IX: Articles of the Revolution by Justin M.D. Nelson - HTML preview

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Recognize that those who begin a revolution are rarely those who end it.

It is often the case that great men do not live to see their dreams come to fruition. While this guide by no means advocates martyrdom, understand that history is littered with the corpses of men and women who thought they were humanity's redemption. Consider this a formal warning:

if your principles are worth fighting for, there will be casualties.

Revolutions are seldom won without casualties.

* * *

Exhaustion did not stop Bryan at all. He ran faster than he imagined possible, and yet the College still seemed to be on the other side of the world. He could hear Marie keeping pace right behind him. They ran through the darkened streets as the soft roar of battles took place off in the distance. Every minute, a low rumble flooded their ears, indicating another explosion, the Assembly destroying yet another alleged enemy.

Bryan's thoughts raced.

They won't target the College. They can't. We need it. EVERYONE needs it.

Behind him, Marie called out.

"Cross over the train bridge!"

Bryan obeyed. Crossing the river, he could see buildings off in the distance glow in the reflection of the water. All of them emitted light, those that were not lit up by electric lighting burned up in the Assembly's fire. It lit up the low clouds in a strange orange color that seemed strangely beautiful to Bryan.

They reached the other side and hurried down the path. Houses stood sealed up tight with their windows dark. Bryan knew they were hiding. Everyone was simply trying to make it through the night. He knew, all too well, many would not.

The College came into view. The beautiful buildings stood out like an oasis in a desert to Bryan. Both him and Marie ran across the field toward the illuminated main building. Cars and vans parked haphazardly in front of the building, vehicles Bryan knew brought people in seeking shelter. Matt was inside, giving whatever help him and the College could provide, just like they always had.

Right after they stepped off the field and stood before the College, Bryan looked and saw three people running from the main building. All of them wore coats bearing the symbol of the General Assembly. They ran from the building quickly, not looking back.

Bryan stopped and looked, his heart sinking as Dorian's words echoed in his mind.

All enemies of the revolution.

Revolutions are seldom won without casualties.

Stay away from the College.


The explosions shook the ground upon which they stood. One by one, blasts caused the buildings of the College to go up in flames. Both Bryan and Marie fell back, blinded by a sharp flash and a surge of warm wind. It knocked them backward as a deafening roar filled Bryan's ears, leaving nothing but the painful sound of a constant ringing.

* * *

He would remember opening his eyes, squinting into the fire. He would remember Marie, tears streaming down her face, screaming at him, but not being able to be heard over the ringing in his ears. And he would remember getting up, looking at the burning buildings, his shirt wet with perspiration, and stepping forward, only to have Marie pull him back.

But for the time being, he only felt numbness. No pain, no sorrow, nothing at all.

The next thing he knew, he was in the catacombs. It was a short walk from the grounds of the College, but he did not remember taking it. He approached the space where the graffiti displayed, the place where Matt, centuries ago it seemed, replaced it with a new message.

Bryan found the same can of paint, and, mechanically, picked it up, shook it, and placed a new message on the wall.


HERE!!! l o s t

Marie stood next to him, her face puffed up with tears. Bryan turned to her, and she spoke the first words he'd heard since the explosion.

"I’m so sorry, Bryan."

Bryan dropped the can and fell into Marie's arms. He cried out as he felt her arms encircle him. Above them, the battles continued. Both of them sat together, crying softly until the light from the morning came, and the rumble of fighting had ceased.