Knock Knock by Lance John - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


Peter checked over his shoulder a couple of times to make sure that Adam was nearby. He could not believe he was having so much fun with his friends.

They reached Mrs. Wattle's property across the road and hid behind her hedge.

"Okay, Peter, you go now. Adam will keep a lookout," said Jake.

Peter did not wait for Adam's signal. He quickly opened up the front gate of the property and walked up the steps that led to the front door.

Adam went around the side of the house and looked for any sign of movement. He could see Mrs. Wattle standing next to her husband through the lounge window curtains that were half drawn. He knew she was arguing with him just by the way that Mr. Wattle sat sulking in his chair.

Then he heard the knock on the front door. He could not believe that Peter had knocked without telling him he was going to do it. He quickly ran back towards Jake just as Peter was about to climb over the front gate.

Jake sniggered as he kept the camera on Peter who was struggling to climb over the gate.

"Uhm, help me."

Jake sniggered some more while filming.

"Shoosh," said Adam to him as he helped Peter climb over the gate.

They heard the door being opened just as Peter got off the gate. They all quickly scuttled away to hide behind the hedge. Jake sniggered as he pointed the camera lens over the top of the hedge.

"Shh, quiet," said Adam to him.

They watched as Mrs. Wattle stood confused in the doorway. She came out onto the front porch and stood looking into the street to see if anyone was there.

"Hello?" she called out.

Nobody answered.

Jake sniggered some more.

"Shut up," whispered Adam.

They heard Mr. Wattle call out to his wife from inside the house.

"What?" she half-screamed at him in her most annoying tone of voice.

Mr. Wattle muffled a reply to her.

"I don't know," she said in that same high-pitched annoying tone of voice. "Probably some stupid kids."

Mrs. Wattle turned around and went back inside the house and closed the door behind her.

Jake started to laugh out loud this time. Peter joined in, watching Jake out of the corner of his eye to see if he had won his affection.

Even through the closed door, Adam could hear Mrs. Wattle vent her frustration out on her husband. Adam could almost hear Mr. Wattle's sigh of resignation.

"Oh, that was amazing!" said Jake, pointing the camera at himself while laughing.

Adam giggled along and looked at Peter, nodding his head at the young man's act of bravery.

"Awesome stuff," said Jake, looking in Peter's direction.

Peter took it that Jake appreciated his company even more and said, "So where to next?"

Jake gave him a surprised look and smiled, his eyes beaming as he took advantage of Peter's remark.

"Yeah, um, let's go, um, further down the road. Let's do it," he said.

"Wait, Jake, we can't," said Adam.

"Why not? The night's still young. I'm not going inside now. Neither are you. So let's do some more."

"Yeah," said Peter, slipping into Jake's trap.

Adam sighed and said, "What about my father? He'll soon find out that Peter lied and that we're not at your place."

"Don't be a chicken, man. We're on holiday. C'mon, let's go and knock some more."

Adam looked at Peter and saw the excitement on his face. What harm is there in knocking on the doors of a few more houses?

"Okay, as long as we stay away from Brutus. I don't want that dog to come out and attack us."

"Ja, sure. We won't even go there. C'mon, let's go," said Jake.

He stood up and Peter was quick to follow. They sneaked across the road towards the next house on Jake's list.

"C'mon," Peter called out to Adam as he followed Jake like a homesick puppy.

Adam got to his feet and reluctantly made his way towards them.