La'Chica Bahar - A Girl Named Spring by Jyotsna Lal - HTML preview

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I went to church with Rita Richards , something I could never do in Iran . There was no gender bias all men and women sat together worshipping Jehovah . Worshippers sang hymns from books , some played musical instruments , The priest/pastor read the holy Bible and preached about ? Guess who ? brave Persian Queen Esther was the wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), who prevented the extermination of her people by the king's vizier Haman.

As the story goes the Persian king Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), held a feast for all his vassals , nobles and chieftains in the grand palace in Shushan The kings and princes were seated in the great palace hall adorned with blue and white hangings fastened with silver rings with gold chairs ,wine was served to them in vessels of gold

The king wanted to show his majesty and glory to his guests ,he sent his chamberlains to bring his Queen Vasti dressed in royal garments with the royal crown on her head in the palace hall

Queen Vasti was beautiful but arrogant woman she refused to obey and did not come before the subjects . The king became very angry and banished Queen Vasti from the palace he sent out a royal decree that all eligible young virgins to brought to Shushan and King Xerxes will select a new queen

Modecai was a jew who lived with his adopted daughter Esther in Shushan.Esther was among the selected virgins to be presented before the king , Modecai forbade her to tell the chamberlains that she was a jew Esther pleased everyone in the palace with her intelligence and sweet deposition After purification as Persian custom she was presented before King Xerxes , he was pleased and made her the queen

Modecai use to walk in front of the palace gates to learn about Esther’s well being one day he heard about a plot to kill King Xerxes he informed the queen who told King Xerxes ,the plotters were hanged. And Modecai’s name was written in the chronicles.

As years passed by , the king's vizier Haman became powerful and greedy.He hated Modecai because he was a jew and plotted to destroy him . He told King Xerxes that some people were planning a rebellion and ask him for a royal decree that they should be destroyed.

Modecai stood before the the palace gates weeping and renting his garments ,wearing only a sackcloth queen Esther was troubled and sent chamberlains to Modecai who showed the letter . Modecai commanded Esther to come forward and save her people.

Esther was afraid of the kings anger , it was the royal custom when the king was in the inner court for 30 days no one may go in without permission

The queen requested Modecai and all the jews of the nation to fast and pray for three days when she prepares to go to the King if he is displeased he may punish her. QueenEsther dressed in royal garments with the royal crown on her head went in the inner court of the palace and knelt before the King.

Xerxes was pleased and extended his scepter towards her and asked her “ what is your petition queen Esther”

“ My lord I request you to come a banquet which I have prepared in your honour”

That day King Xerxes went to the banquet after feasting he again asked her “ what is your petition queen Esther”

“ My lord I request you to come a banquet which I have prepared in your honour and bring vizier Haman with you ”

After the banquet the king couldnot sleep he ordered that the royal chronicles to be read aloud and the incident about Modecai was written down The king realized that he had not rewarded him. The vizier Haman was overjoyed with the invitation and was thinking about himself when King Xerxes asked how should a man who had saved the kings life be rewarded

Haman said he should be dressed in royal robes and seated on the royal horse and given a land as gift King Xerxes ordered Haman to honour Modecai in the same manner Haman’s heart was filled with fear

That day in the banquet King asked Esther “ what is your petition queen Esther”

She requested him to not to destroy her people the jews The King was perplexed and wanted to know about it queen Esther said that this wicked vizier Haman has plotted against them . Then the king’s rage was kindled and he orderd that vizier Haman and all his followers and entire family be put to death He wrote a royal decree that all enemies of the jews should be destroyed.

The Jews established an annual feast, the feast of Purim, in memory of their deliverance. According to traditional rabbinic dating, this took place about fifty-two years after the start of the Babylonian Exile.Given the great historical link between Persian and Jewish history, modern day Persian Jews are called "Esther's Children". A building known as the Tomb of Esther and Mordechai is located in Hamadan, Iran. Their deliverance is celebrated in the Jewish festival of Purim in Feb or March (the 14th of Adar in the Jewish calendar), commemorating Esther, who saved the Jews from destruction in 473 BC during the Persian occupation.The festival includes a complete reading of the Book of Esther (Old Testament Book ) in the synagogue, during which the listeners respond with stamping, whistling, and hissing to the names of the evil characters.

I was born in Iran and never knew about Esther.
