Lessons from Pluto by Aaron - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine

Yolanda had never struggled so much with meditation in her whole life. But this mission was a dream come true in every way. It was an adventure, it was uncharted territory, and it held the potential to answer thousands of questions brought up by the Robles discovery. She continued to keep pushing the distracting thoughts aside as there was nothing she could do now to change her status. She listened to the calm melody of the flute playing on the rec room speakers as she sat calmly on the mat. The interviewer, a Chinese man named Chen, had showed a poker face during the interview and she wouldn't know if she would be chosen for another day or two. In the meantime, she spent her time either studying mission specs, exercising, or practicing Tai Chi.

After a relaxing meditation session, she gave into the urge, and turned on her PDM. The personal data manager downloaded her messages and showed one from a Mrs. Fu. The cryptic message said only that she was invited to join her crewmates for a lunch meeting at 1500 hours. Checking the time she cursed silently and threw on her nicest oversuit.

She nearly collided with Chen as she entered the 'cave-teria' as it was lovingly dubbed. He quickly sidestepped in his usual impassive way and they both half-heartedly pulled a nutrient package from the slots and sat down with the only other people in the room. She saw a tall man with the darkest skin she'd ever seen, another shorter man with an olive complexion and large nose, and an older Chinese matriarch.

“Thank you for joining us Ms. Delgado and Mr. Chen.” The woman smiled warmly at them, a good sign Yolanda told herself.

“As you must know by now, all of you have been selected as finalists for the United Planets Space Administration's first peopled mission to the dwarf-planet Pluto...” For several moments it was impossible for her to continue as the cheers and back-slapping overwhelmed the group. Yolanda herself nearly jumped up and hugged the woman.

“You have all worked incredibly hard to be chosen for this historic mission. But the hard work is in fact just now beginning. You will all be expected to stay in top physical and mental shape as well as becoming intimately familiar with the ship, the latest rover discoveries, and the various equipment which you will be using. During the training, you will be expected to be both student, and teacher to each other. I want to ensure that you know as much as possible about each others' skillset. If any of you become unable to complete your tasks once you leave leave Ganymede station, it will be important for the rest of your crew to fill in. You have been selected not only for your intelligence, and background, but also for your innovative thinking. Ms. Delgado, I understand that you are a highly credited author of astrophysics, astronomy, and astral-navigation. Isfaheem Al-Jezrai is a well respected professor of extra-terrestrial geology, and archeology. Muogo Ningape has years of experience with the UN as a linguist and has published several scientific journals on ancient languages. Finally Mr. Chen is a decorated pilot and has an extensive background in rocketry, mechanical engineering and emergency medical procedures.

Mr. Chen, I appreciate your request for a fifth addition to the team, but with the enormous risk of this mission and the tight budget we could not in good conscience support it. The whole board has reviewed your files ladies and gentlemen, and we feel completely confident in your skill and experience. Congratulations.” She smiled broadly and looked at each of them directly before shaking their hands.

Despite her years of emotional training, Yolanda lost it and began weeping openly with pure joy.

There was nothing on any of the inhabited planets to match this one amazing moment.

After making her announcement, Mrs. Fu took her leave and Yolanda sat with the group learning as much as she could about them all. She felt a stronger sense of comfort with the Ugandan then with the other two. Chen seemed to be rigid and impassive and Al-Jezrai talked about nothing but rocks through the whole conversation. Still, they were all intelligent people and she respected each of them for their devotion to their respective fields.