Lessons from Pluto by Aaron - HTML preview

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Chapter Nineteen

Yolanda was scanning her lamps along the base and had gone more then halfway around. “Alright, this one looks as empty as the last half-dozen. You ready to head up?” Muobo's voice sounded sadly resigned given all that they'd discovered so far.

Though she wasn't completely finished, it was feeling like another dead end and she reached for the throttle. But at the edge of the light, there was something that looked a shade darker. It stood out due to it's being the only sight that contrasted with the endless horizontal bands of the cliff.

“One second Muobo. I want to see something.”

She nudged over and the dark space grew to just under two meters across by her estimate. As she angled the lights, it became clear that this was a cave that receded into the rock face. She moved the joystick of the manipulator arm and activated it's exploration light. But as she pointed it into the cavern, there was only more inky blackness.

“Muobo, come over here. I've found something.”

Soon the lights of his IEV joined hers and the combined power showed a long tunnel as black as the Marianas Trench.

“I'm going in to check it out.” She declared with determination as she set the sled in front of the entrance..

“Are you kidding girl?” Who knows what could happen to you in there! Chen would have your ass in a sling.”

“Yeah, well the captain isn't in communication range. Why? Do you think there's a bear hibernating in there?”

“Pfft. Oh please, we all know they went extinct a century ago. I'm just saying the rock could cave in on you or something.”

“So you can come behind me and watch my back.” Yolanda was already disconnecting her safety straps from the IEV and activating the helmet lamp.

“You really know how to play a guy, you know?”

“Of course I do. How do you think us girls rose out of oppression but on the backs of poor blokes like you.”

He punched her lightheartedly on the arm. Even in the bulky suits, none of them were willing to risk any play that might put them in danger. Still, he followed suit and put his helmet light on wide spread while she scooted down to the entrance.

“It's too dark to see anything yet, but this tunnel is as rigidly straight as the walls of the hole out there.”

Muobo went in with even greater care behind her. He lowered his lights so as not to be blinded by the reflection on her white suit.

“You know, your butt's gotten quite a bit wider lately.”

“Watch it you! Before I kick you in the faceplate.”

“Aha! You hurt me, and you're trapped in this cave with no way out.” He chuckled at his obvious victory.

“Damn you and your Ugandan logic!”

He kept laughing for a long while until his mic caught Yolanda shushing him. “What's up lady?”

“I can see it opening up here. We must be in an entrance tunnel.

Yolanda shifted to the side and Muobo adjusted his lights to find that they were in a larger cavern.

“Jesu Christi!!” Muobo had to turn down the volume on his mic. He knew it was something big if she was willing to invoke the name of her ancient god. He'd been rebuked more then a few times for teasing her about it. Shining his light at the wall he saw what it was.