Lessons from Pluto by Aaron - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Despite his advice, she kept the throttle just a little too long and almost overshot the ship. She quickly pulled back and the force of deceleration drove her into the control panel. This had the effect of pushing her hand painfully on the motor control and they shot straight up in the air. She quickly pulled the throttle back down to get them on the ground. Unfortunately the panic caused her to overcompensate and they hit the surface hard...too hard.

Expecting some sharp quip about her poor driving skills and getting none was much worse then anything the man could've said to her face.

“Muobo! You answer me dammit!”


“Muobo!” She rocketed out of the cabin and yanked the straps off him.

Shaking him as she dragged him off the sled, she finally heard a slurred mumble


“Muobo Ningape! You get your sorry ass on your feet and march!”


Thanking god for the low gravity, she pulled him to the airlock and slammed her 'hand' on the emergency activation sequence. Despite the explosive cylinders, it still seemed to take an eternity for it to cycle.

Finally the inner door opened and they were both dragged into the cabin. Chen immediately took over, activating the emergency release on the bladder sent a blast of wind into the cabin. Then Isfaheem helped him undo the suit and they wrapped him in heating pads. Chen was barking orders at him to swallow something by the time she got her own suit off.

“Mister Ningape. You will swallow this immediately. That's an order.”

She heard some slurred speech and saw Isfaheen slowly pour something into his mouth.

“Core temperature at 27 degrees celcius!”


“What's he tryin to say?”

Yolanda leaned in closer. “He says it's burning.”

“Too high dammit. We have to raise his temperature slowly.”

Finally she just abandoned thought. “Screw it.”

She got in next to him and wrapped her arms around him in a cuddle. She struggled against panic as she felt the cold of his skin even through the uniform.


Isfaheen looked up to the captain, no longer able to keep the panic out of his voice. “What's his temp now?”

“Damn. It's still 27.” Chan looked again at the readout. “Pulse is weak.....but still stable.”

Yolanda hugged him closer. It felt like his whole body was made of ice, and still his eyes didn't move. He seemed to be coming into equilibrium with the frozen world around them.