Londst by Del Elle - HTML preview

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“A Plane!” Flora exploded, seizing Hergewick and almost launching him into a nearby hedge. “A Platanus x hispunica: A Londinium Plane!”

Hergewick began to quiver; whether from the twin burning magenta pools that were Flora’s eyes or the fact that his feet were not in contact with the ground.

“Lyralees,” said Haymarlen. “It’s gone beyond reasonable now.” “He’s going to apologize, Haye,” Flora continued.

“I-I’m sorry for my i-ignorance,” Hergewick began, “and for inadvertently leading others into a mistaken belief.”

“Not me, her you idiot,” said Flora, about-turning Fontarius towards the Plane tree.

“But I can’t see her-” Fontarius began.

“The Tree!” Flora thundered, pressing Fontarius against it until his cheek was a fraction away from the flaky bark. “Apologize!”

“I’m sorry–I’m sorry–Mr–” “Mrs!”

“Mrs Plane!” Fontarius yelled. “Please forgive my terrible misdemeanour!” “There, he’s said it. Now can we go, Flor,” said Haymarlen.

Flora glared at Haymarlen and brought Fontarius round with her. “He has to tell his new fan.”

Haymarlen gaped. “His fan? He’s out like a snuffed candle!”

“I–I’ll apologize to the oxen if you want,” Fontarius continued. “Just don’t-”

Flora looked at Fontarius. “Do you think I’m crazy telling you to apologize to a tree?”

Fontarius’s face had an evacuation of blood. “Am I crazy?” Flora repeated.

Fontarius, began to shake.

“Don’t you start shaking!” Flora began. “I’ll do the shaking. Do you think I’m crazy?”