Lowe by Peco Kolchkoski - HTML preview

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First contact


It was around midnight when the spaceship landed. Well, so to say, because by the look of the firery tray behing the spaceship, it's suprising speed on the way to the ground, and the small newformed crater in the Town Park it looked more like crashing then landing. You would thought that no one could survive that landing, slash, crash, but the few closest witneces who had the privilege to see the whole thing live have seen that, in fact, aliens can and will survive, no matter how suprisingly impossible that really is.

Mostly because impossible for human standards was not so impssible by the aliens who bould this spacecraft which posseses inner-anty- physics shiled meaning that laws of physics during emergency procedures doesn't apply, and right after the touch of ground a cooling aid was releaced in order to cool down the small lake of lava, in the center of the crater, that sarounded the ship.

Convinient inventions for those inconviniant times when the crew is under attack, in a middle of a space battle for example. Or just simply having a close contact with one of the the Saturn rings asteroids that seriously damaged the hull and some of the navigation systems. Not that they liked the planet. It was the only one close place near where the accident happen where they could find materials to repair the damage. Now, you may think that hitting an asteroid, damaging the ship, and then falling on godforsaken planet (called Earth by the inhabitans) which resulted in making additinal damage to ship is pretty much unlucky, but what whould have been unlycky is to hit an asteroid, damage the ship and have nowhere to land and find materials for repair. Luckily the Earth was there, and their inhabitans as much as primitive they were, they had mines, and therefore they had metals. They didn't have the technolgy, but that didn't matter, because they had the technology.

The five aliend climed from the crater and just stood there at the edge. It was acctualy four aliens, one was a android, but the earthlings didn't know that. They also didn't know that the ship computer, which was also conected with the android, was just finishing with learning all human history from all the databases on all computers on earth. That how good this ship computer was.

It learned all the languages when passing Mars, and by the time it was to Earth atmosphere it already knew all the material resources on the planet and all the political-geo-ego-strycture, and was starting with the history leasson. The alein told this to the four alens, which made them think that whatever they tought about being lucky about finding this planet, they weren't so lucky because this planet inhabitants were known for unfriendly behavour when unidentified flying socers were concerned, like the one thay had for instance, and the inhabitans are also unfriendly toward the unidentified aleins. On a bright side this time they were identified so maybe this, so called, humans, won't do the first thing they do when faced with something out of thir understanding. It was quite on time because a dozen of news reporters were comming with cameras, notebooks, and microfons. Also the police was comming, the army was comming, and scientiest were comming, politicians were comming, fireman, speakers, lunatics, singers, stars, ordinary people, religius freeks, ambulances, doctors, goverment officials, bussinesmans, singers, hippics, young people, old people. Shortly, it was quite a mess. After a while, a while longer they understood eachother. This was a reason for celebration. Alchol, drugs, and a fireworks was made. This made one of the aliens to go back in the spaceship and he programmed it to make the best fireworks seen up until now. Few minutes latter it started. Unfortunatelly the people saw it as an attack with the most powerful weapon they ever seen and fast they killed the aliens. After that they wanted to celebrate. They made fireworks on which all agree that it's the best until now.