Lowe by Peco Kolchkoski - HTML preview

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Just a story


Part I - Apartment 1

It was a dissater. He already lost his all money on that stupid film and music and nothing happend. That's what he thought while opening the door of his appartment. Inside he found a partywith a lot of people. They were quite relax. The place stinked on weed and few bottles of alcholol was on his table, with most of it gone. "Heu man, we were waithing for you." one said.

"After watching that film of yours I said "Wow, tyhat's really good shit. Than after a while I said, let me find those lads before they start sewing."

"You know?

"Oh that I do. All kind of stuff. I just acces everything with a thought, every single database on earth. And I learn, I'm also a freaking database. I tried IQ tests, developed one of my own instead. It's like I wish for a knowledge and it's in my brain in seconds, if there is any. And that hanging touch, if you are evel and get a power, you just hang yourself, that's a nice touch.

There are posible cases of not working, I can be one, as much as you know, or any of these lads. I'm like the worst kind of negative as they get I guess, you should not trust me or anyone in this room. On that note, I've thought of a film, but really sucessful one, much more, hmmm, accepted then your work, billion of people as public. It's catchy, because let's be honest yours shit was brilliant but borring, and that's a problem because we need more people to watch this shit. And while we are at shit, you shgould try this. Hey Ray, give him your shit" One of the man approached him with a jar of honey and a wodden spoon. He tried the honey. It was the best honey he ever tried in his life. "that's real shit you know." the man continued. "He shits honey that can intoxitae you completely with just one spoon of it. And cure all kind of shit too.

"But let's tart from the beging shall we?" - He continued wawing with his hand as a gesture with his hand invintg Han to sit on the sofa and listen. Which was probably a smart thing to do.

2 weeks earlier.

"I saw your movie in the cinemas. It was awaul like the critics said. He should'n have made the script, the music and everything he did they said. But they don't know, exept for Bart. Hi Bart." He waved at one man standing by the palma in the corner." The man waved back and said "It was boring."

"He can travel everywhere in the world just by thinking about it, or seiang a picture and wishing he was there. Don't watch porn ever with him or you would end up seeing him in the movie with the porn star. That's how I found him, long story. Also when he travels no one seems to notice exept me, by now." He made a pause, took a deep breath and continued seeing no one was interrupring him. - "So I watched the boring brilliant movie, and went home, felt tired fall asleep and waked up in the middle of the night understandg the movie. You activated something in the barin of humans who already haved it in themself and now they can do things, also you explained everything very well. To me. Not to them. To them I found tyhen and explaind them. I though it would be a good idea. I just wanted to know all the people who bought tickets and I knew. Phones, gps, positions, it took me while but I located everyone who watche the movie, and then wished to listen to everyone, I just turn their mic on the phone. Send them messages, hack their computers, everything, just with a thought.

And here we are. All with powers, flying, fire making, ice making, super strength, and so on... And not everyone is here. But for start lets just make that movie I mentioned.

Part II - Apartment 2

“We are going to dominate the world” - Said one man. “Yes we are. Our boss is the best” - Said other man.

The place was crowded with people. They all wanted to dominate the world. And they knew they can. After all they had super powers.

Part III - Expanding

Five months in the future

New movie in theaters. Lots of public. Great critics. Part IV – Part Without title

All over the world started to happen really nasty, bad shit. Wars, earthquakes, floods, rapeings, murders, and it seemed that behind everything were some bad guys and woman with super powers.

In one hall in Gor city there was a meeting. All the good super heroes from the start of the story were there, and a lot of new ones, and those who couldn't come just watched the whole thing over cameras on their computers. A speech was made, a plan was made, everyone with corresponding power should go on the field and try to make things better.

Part V – The End

How does this story end,

Does it have to end,

Or it can just finish here,

No more lines,

No more words,

Just a simple dot.

The I know song

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

Yes I know.

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

Yes I know.

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

I know,

Yes I know.


Moved to country,

bought a farm,

and build a barn

There I got sheeps and cattle,

and a dog,

that I trained,

to walk on rope,

for entertain.

Trained a cow,

to dance waltz,

with the man,

which I hired,

to work on the farm,

but that's nothing compared,

with the sheep I trained,

to roll over on command,

and have sex with,

the dog.

"Kill him." - Came an order from the major who was pointing at one of the prisoners loking at one soldier.

The soldier took his gun, came to the prisoner and shot him in the head. He returned to the line of soldiers.

The major aproached him and asked "Now, why did you do that?" "Because you order me sir!" - Answered the soldier.

"Do you ever question orders? Ah... - he stopped turn the look at one other soldier and said to him – "Kill him." and pointed at the soldier who killed the prisoner.

"Should I? You've just said to question orders. - The soldier said with weak and confused voice.

The major took his gun and killed him.

"Don't ever disobay orders. Orders are orders. Never question them." - He said to the rest of the soldiers.

The show is on,

tickets sold,

people gathered,

infront of the stage,

insane sound waves,

spread joy.

At the end,

there is a man,

just stands there,

with his arms crossed,

and his head,

sligthly tilted to the right,

what a crazy sight,

he thought,

and bought a shtock.

Planet E-496

Year 6855

Bin was walking on the path. It was all made of solar panels and every step also generated additional energy from piezocrystals underneath. He was vaguely remembering when he first came on this planet. Around 1000 years ago. Those were the times. On the spaceship, trowing ice from the distant planets on this desert of a planet that it was. Setting up a force field around the planet, and finally planting fast growing alleges to create oxygen. Once everything was set up they moved on the planet and colonize it.

Breeding was strictly controlled. It had to be because they all lived longer than 1000 years, give or take. He was going to work.





Gi was walking on the path. She was going to work. She hated that job, no, she hated the man she had to work with. That old Bin.







Gi and Bin were in the office trying to create new food. Something that will contain everything needed for the organism. They experimented with all kind of atoms, trying to make sustainable compound, but for the time being it was pretty much unstable. “You don't understand Bin” Said Gi “We have to start with the vitamins, than minerals, and finally we'll add the fats and all the other stuff.

“Yes, maybe you are right.” Answered Bin.

They were trying so hard. Finally made it one day, after lot of trials and errors. It was Gi idea that made it. Gi was always there, and she was so young, she will live for a long time.










Li was in his office. He was, well, he wasn't doing anything really. He was just starring absently at the screens (actually the whole wall was a screen) in front of him. His mind was somewhere else. Someone entered the room. “What was that?” - Di asked. “What?” said Li.

“That, that, on the screen few moments ago.” “I don't know.” - answered Li.

“You are supposed to watch things.”

“Things, things, that's the whole problem, I just have to sit and watch things.” Thought Li but didn't say anything.

He should have watch the things. Because those things he missed to see were planting a bomb in the plant, and the whole planet got destroyed in the explosion that happened.