My Dear Son - One by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Theme: Fight to finish

Short story : 05

Edison’s light bulb.


Today, in Electrical bulbs, there are several hundreds of variations, technologies, and efficiencies to choose from. A path breaking beginning was made by Edison.


It was not easy for Edison, then. It is said he tried out with 2000 and odd elements in his experiments to make an electric bulb to work. His impatient assistant discouraged him suggesting that the project be dropped as a lot of money and effort has gone waste.


To this, Edisons reaction was something unusual. He convinced his assistant that nothing was ever wasted. Out of our efforts and investment we learnt that two thousands elements are unsuitable for making an electric bulb.


The perseverance of Edison led to his discovery of his first working electric bulb which had carbon filament. Subsequent decades employed Edisons discovery. Tungsten replaced carbon filament in the electric bulbs. From that evolved other technologies which lights our world.





Selfless  act  arise  out  of  Positive thinking.


Know this:


(1) It always helps wearing positive attitudes.


(2) The men of knowledge found that our life today is the result of our attitudes and several choices that we made with those attitudes in the past.


(3) To wear a positive attitude, we should make the positive attitude, as our nature.


Ones nature:


You might have heard people saying that it is his nature! That refers to the attitude of a parson.


Everyones attitude is made up of several small and big experiences in the past. Lessons are drawn and stored in our mind. Some messages received from people whom we trust, also adds up, to it.


Slowly, this knowledge in the conscious mind trickles down to our subconscious mind. It is here most of our actions are determined without our conscious decision making process.


Those who possess negative mind set, typically must have had several failures in early life.


One or more bad experience in the past when acted with a positive mind set adds up to this. Cultural prejudices, wrong knowledge are other factors which cultivate a negative mind set.


Self confidence, strong mind, courage, fewer failures on acting with positive mindset helps one act into life with a positive mind set.


There  is  no  substitute  to  personally experiencing the benefits of living with positive attitudes. Theme: Act of Giving, a positive attitude! You  would  discover  that  there  is  an immeasurable pleasure in Giving !


You need not have to own immense wealth to give others happiness. In most situations, You may own just nothing !. Still you can give others immense happiness. It is a matter of attitude, a positive attitude!


It is possible that a meagre 2-5% of the worlds population


(1) is assured of timely food,


(2) have a shelter and clothing to protecting themselves, almost throughout their life time.


Yet, most of us are never satisfied with what we have. We rave for more. Yet, happy receiving gifts from others. Many of us crib whenever a situation calls for Giving! Be it a tax or a fee.


There are the vast majority who are not sure from where their next time food would come from. They are the victims of natures fury, round the year, world over.


In such a scenario, the affluent who are affluent can think in two ways.


The first way is, to think that there are so many in the world who need help. Let me do whatever little possible by me, all the time, to poor and needy around. Thereby, see an immense opportunity to render help to someone less privileged than us. Thank God for providing us with the resources and opportunity to help others in need. Calls for Giving!


Be it a tax or a fee. There are a vast majority who are not sure from where their next time food would come from. They are the victims of natures fury, round the year, the world over.


In such a scenario, people who are affluent can think in two ways.


The first way is to think that there are so many in the world who need help. Let me do whatever little possible by me, all the time, to poor and needy around.


There by, see an immense opportunity to render help to someone, less privileged than us. Thank the god for providing us with the resources and opportunity to help others in need.


Second way is to think that it was gigantic task ahead. Vast majority needs help and therefore it is impossible to catering to it with our limited resources. Therefore do nothing about it.


If you could quench the hunger of one poor person only, that too once in a month, it would bring you the happiness that will surpass the pleasure of possession of a million rupees worth !.


One would discover in the process that there is joy in helping others and in general, the tremendous Joy in giving. Ask anyone who have the habit of giving. They would share with you the joy they had.


Helping others giving is a positive attitude. Let us wear a positive attitude and put our compassion to real work. Advice: Develop the Attitude of giving your efforts, your material, your attention may be merely your love and care.


Theme: Facing adverse situation.


Opportunities lay hidden even in adverse situations. We can reconize them when we wear a positive attitude towards life.




(1) Adverse situations are common occurrences in every ones life.


(2) Most of us run away from it.


(3) Every adverse situation for us as an opportunity for some others.


(4) It has been proved by some people that any adverse situation can be turned into an opportunity, provided we have a positive mind set.




(1) Read and remember the stories given below.


(2) When faced with adverse situation, people with positive mind, Instead of becoming panicky finds ways of using it in their favour.


(3) Read Thomas Edison and modern America; By Theresa Mary Collins, to get an exciting account of researchers and their times.


The three stories below gives adverse situations in three distinct life situations.