My Dear Son - One by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Theme: Art of helping

Short Story 10



You can become a God, yourself.


Veda, a kind hearted woman, reached that small town along with her husband and children, upon her husbands transfer.


She was busy organising the new house that was provided to them. She was busy going to the small market place, near her home, to buy things needed for the new home.


On her way to market, she needs to cross a public park and she was looking all around new people and new faces. Suddenly, her attention was drawn to a poor girl seated on the path close to the park.




She was wondering why this little girl was sitting on the pavement while the children on her age mingled with other children and were playing merrily in the park.


The girl, with her eyes filled with sadness, sat watching the passers-by. Veda, went near the girl, stood close to the girl. Then she observed that the girl had a hunch-back. She could quickly understand as to why the girl is not playing with the fellow children. She enquired the girl, her name and slowly befriended her. She also understood that the girl is poor and has physical deformity. She, added that, she had no friends for the same reason.


Veda, talked to the girl softly. Brought some delicious food from the nearby restaurant which both enjoyed. Veda took leave of the girl for that day and met her time and again. She described the girl as pretty, assured the poor girl that she is the one closer to god. The girl was cheerful for the first time in her life. She said so. In the next few days that followed, Veda made it a point to buy small gifts which made the girl cheerful.


All of a sudden, the poor girl was not spotted on  the pavements near the park. She searched all around, whenever she  went to market. Finally, she asked some shop- keepers and people who might have seen her with that little girl, only to hear that they never saw any poor girl around, especially with a hunch-back.


Suddenly, to her surprise, the poor girl appeared before her. Slowly the poor girl turned into a beautiful angel. Veda could not believe her eyes and thought that she was perhaps dreaming.


The angel spoke. “No one else, other than you saw me and Only people who are kind at heart can see an angel.


By your good heart towards poor and needy you could see me. You can become an angel yourself by showing genuine care and true love to needy.