My Dear Son - One by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Theme: Avoid a fool’s company.

Short story 13

The Fox in the town




In the forest there was a fox, which had an eagle as a friend. The Eagle flew over long distances and return to the forest. The eagle would tell the fox every interesting events inside and outside the forest.


One day the eagle visited a nearby town. It found people growing fruits and vegetables in their farms spread all around the town.


These were large and healthy. Such fruits and vegetables are very rare in the forest.


The eagle added that, there were no wild animals in the town to fear for. There are people and animals who are lazy and weak.


The fox was convinced that the life in the city must be great. So, one night, it took leave of its friends and set on its journey to a nearby town.


It was dark when it reached the nearby town.




The only exception is Donkeys. Their masters made them work hard. Never cared to provide them any food. They even did not display their affection towards them which the masters of cows, bulls and horses often did.


The donkey was sure, as a specie, the donkeys are very sincere to their masters. The only freedom their creed got was that it was let free at night to find their food so that it can be back in the morning to resume the work for their masters.


The fox was new to town and it was afraid to venture into the farms alone. It was looking for a safe companion to explore and enjoy the rich fruits and vegetables grown there.


The fox approached the donkey that was busy eating and introduced itself. The donkey put forth several questions to the new comer to the town to ascertain if it was safe to move with it.


The same way, with the discussions it had with the donkey the fox understood that the donkey was no cleverer than itself and it is safe to befriend it.


Fox shared all it learnt from his friend eagle about the town and the farms around. It wondered why the donkey choose to eat junk while good vegetables and fruits are grown in the outskirts.


When the donkey learnt about the farms around the town, it initially refused to believe. Then both fox and donkey reached a farm after a long walk.


Together they ate fresh vegetables and fruits and were jubilant that they never enjoyed such a sumptuous food in their lives.


It was early morning and the both of them decided to part their ways only to meet again in the midnight.


Fox went into a hiding where as the donkey headed towards its masters home.


Several days passed and the friends went after farm after farm. The farmers who had peaceful sleep all along found their farms are looted and ruined by some unknown people. They did not suspect that a donkey-fox pair could be the cause of their misery.


The farmers set up teams to keep a watch in the farms by turns so as to catch the thieves and thrash them.


Day by day the donkey grew fatter and happier.


It became more confident that it can continue to enjoy such a free feast for ever.


One night the fox was very happy and started singing in its coarse voice and aloud. The fox became troubled. It persuaded the donkey not to make noise. If it continued, the fox warned, it would alert the farmers to find them.


The Donkey was annoyed at the fox for its observations. It mocked at the fox saying that it is unfit to live in cities. It added that forest animals were cowards. The fox had its own problem. It needed a company for its night-outs. It persuaded the donkey to stop braying.


It was minutes before they would have left the farm, a dozen men with sticks descended on the farm. They found the fox and donkey among the fruits and vegetables pulled out of the plants.


They cornered both the animals and smashed thrashed them thoroughly till they became unconscious.


The farmers thought that both were dead and left the place. Farmers were happy that they can have their nights sleep in peace and their farms will be free of pilferage and ruin.


After a few hours both the animals regained their consciousness. They found their bones broken all over their body. It slowly moved out of the farm before the dawn. It took several months before they got well.


The donkey soon after it got well went back to its master. It decided to live on the food that it was used to ever since its birth and not to indulge in thieving. The fox returned to forest with vow not to befriend fools.


Theme: Do not depend on LUCK


Know this:


(1) There is nothing called a luck.


(2) The chance and luck are not one and the same.


(3) Our sincere effort with a positive mind set, we can succeed.




(1) Do not blame FATE, ill luck for our failures.