My Dear Son - One by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Theme : ANGER.


Know this:


(1) Anger is a natural reaction when things do not happen the way it was expected.


(2) It is the expression  of helplessness on your part. Shouting and other violent reactions are the typical fallouts.


(3) When you shout at some one, he receives it as a shock for first time. Less affected next time. They anticipate it subsequently.


(4) You may be typically nicknamed - The pressure cooker! or the jumping jack, worry- ental, dynamite, barking dog and one such.


(5) People around you, whose action are the source of your anger would never change their ways.


(6) People in anger cannot think cohesively. (7) Angry people cannot take the most appropriate decision and action in a difficult situation.


(8) From the time immemorial, wicked people made their opponents get angry, to win over them.





You have two options to choose from.


First, choose to live with the anger and suffer the consequence. That is what most people do!


Second option: attempt to win over the anger.


Is it possible? Yes. why not? The only precondition is that, you should believe that, you can ! If you choose the second option.


(1) Be conscious of the fact that you get angry and the typical situations that bring anger to you.


(2) When such situation arises, decide not to react in any manner. Here you need to devise a tool to divert your own attention elsewhere. Essentially shift your mind elsewhere. Hum a music that you like or listen to a music or to any favorite activity without others noticing it. I count one to hundred within my mind.


(3) After a few minutes  wait, list down ways to combat (action plans to tackle) the present situation. For each such plan write separately the favourable and unfavourable reactions that can be expected.


(4) Choose the best among the options before you. Often you discover that, there is no need to react then and there!


(5) The decision thus made, after you have cooled down completely, will invariably be the best.


(6) You might take a day or longer for the first time.


But very soon you will find yourself that nothing angers you. Your pace of taking action in every tough situation will improve each time.


Note: This advice is based on my own experience. That was when my friends of fourteen long years association, forced themselves into our family - run enterprise that  we  started.   They  did  everything even a sworn enemy would not imagine. Starting with embezzlement of huge cash, manipulating accounts to swindling the investments, to attempting to transfer the property of the company to ones own name. We, the investors, were made to run to courts, police stations and ultimately bring down the shutters.


We did not express our anger or anguish to our associates who let us down. We never blamed any one for the problem.


We owned the problem. We accepted that our laxity or failure to run the business professionally, lead to the problem. Went soft on people. Got every thing in place quickly. Cleared every paise we owed and made a honourable exit.


Some stories that follow will help you believe that you can live free of anger.