My Weird Stories 3 by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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The Car.                                                              Copywrite P. Audcent 2014


Many stories have covered that wonderful invention of the car, some have been  full of fun like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, others like that big American killing limousine have been dark and foreboding plot. My little story falls nowhere near those two, and frankly is a piece of light heartedness and pure invention. I did once own a Morrie Minor, it was my first car and had a split screen to boot!


It was a car dealer like any other except they were not on the main drag but up a corrugated dusty side street. He had walked several miles already along the central highway crossing through town from one side to the other but nothing took his fancy until one very smart car dealer mentioned old Tom Goodling up the Dairy track.

'You want a cheap car go to old Tom's that where we send our old crates when we can't sell them, old Tom will do you a deal for the ridiculous price you intend to pay, but mark my words you'll get a real botched job and that's if you are lucky.'


So Eddy Makepeace calmly walked into a scruffy yard to the sound of hammering and welding. Two people he spotted in a shed, an old bearded man with a tattered golfing cap and what looked like a younger figure in pale blue dungarees with a welding hat perched above a freckled face which could have been female. It was for she called out 'Can I help you Mister?' To which he responded 'Need a car, got to be cheap and clean.'

'Cheap Pop can do, but clean its for you to do.'

'Any guarantee it will go?'

'It will go all right but for how long is anybodies guess.' She walked over to him and eyeing up and down.' You need it for a quick get away then.'

Eddy shifted his feet and brushed down his dusty trousers. 'I need to get to Morton.'

'Bus tomorrow be cheaper, and hotel here not expensive.'

'I need to get to Morton by tonight.'

'Well look around anything you fancy?'

Eddy looked they were all a bit wasted with bumps and scratches, one had a crack through its windshield. 'Long as it can get me to Morton, but cheap please.'

'Well got an old Morris traveller out back of shed, came in yesterday from old Mrs Cotten by up yonder, bought herself a brand new Zombie four wheel and she be eighty three. I reckon served her for forty years and Pop did all the service, you can have it cheap.' She turned to her Father, ' Old Morris a goer Dad.'

Dad nodded, 'insides a bit ropey but engine and gears are OK, but she's done 300000 so can't be pushed too hard. Three gears, reverse a bit of a problem.'

'How much? Said Eddy

'You can have her for 200.'

'Can I return her tomorrow I only need it the two days?'

'Sure you can, lets say you get 120 back, mind in same condition.

Eddy nodded, seemed fair.

The old man took a key out of his pocket and threw it to his daughter who jerked off her welding hat and with a flourish of her head a cascade of brilliant red hair showered down her shoulders. She marched behind the shed and soon Eddy heard the sound of an engine spluttering and then revving.

'Listen fellow my daughter wants to go to Morton there's a big show on there, she can stay with my sister, do you mind taking her and you can bring her back then you can have all your money back, being frank you don't seem a feller with plenty of money.'

'I get by, yep that's OK it she agrees.'

The girl arrived back and nodded, 'and no funny business.'


She drove, he paid the petrol at the local garage then lay back and slept. When they arrived in Morton she asked where to and he directed her to the park where a stage was being erected. 'You can leave me here thanks take the car up to your aunts if you want and pick me up tomorrow from this spot.'

'Are you going to the concert tonight?'

'Well I guess I have too, the other guys would miss me, is that why you wanted to come here tonight?'

'Yes I did, but I need to change at Aunts first. How can I find you, look the crowd is getting thicker.'

'Well I guess the first band is on soon. When you get back just come to the front of the stage, I'll tell one of the security to look out for you, presumably you have a ticket?'

'Yes I bought one last week its out the back on the hill I think, the seat I mean.'

'Well here's a ticket for the front, she you soon.'


Strange is it not, how two entirely different people meet. A girl from a dusty old car yard and a famous international pop star, There really was not much about the car in this story.  Eddy decided to keep it and had old Tom do it right up new engine, new paint, new interior, for his new bride and he chose a rich red leather for the seats to go with her glorious hair.

