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“An unnoticeable attack is the most fearsome of all. As if the frog is being cooked with warm water, it would think it's getting a hot bath. It wouldn't even notice what is happening to them until its moments of death.”

Sabrina was lying on a hospital bed. The saline water drip was connected to her body artery. Just like a water frog who desperately needs water for mating, she needed water to survive too. After losing consciousness, she was taken to a college dispensary so that she could regain her senses after receiving treatments.

“Where am I?” It was the first word to come from Sabrina’s mouth. To know where she was at that moment. She thought she was having a nightmare but in truth that was the reality she hardly wanted to accept.

“You’re in a college dispensary. Don’t worry, since you regained consciousness, you'll be fine after finishing this drip, it seems you're dehydrated." A doctor who was cladded in a white long coat mumbled as he was getting out of the room, a stethoscope hanging on his broad shoulders as a pro, not like an amateur.

“Please, may I have my phone?”

The doctor stopped and swirled around after hearing what his patient said.




“Your phone is there in the tray, let me get it for you...!!” The man said as he took the phone from the tray that was on the table far from the patient’s bed and handed it to Sabrina.

Driii...! Sabrina’s phone rang the moment the phone was in her hand.

Gustav?? She hesitated picking up the phone, as she recalled how close Gustav was to her the previous year, and the video clip she saw was nagging her. Why is he calling me? Did he see the video too? Or someone told him that I’m hospitalized?

I can’t talk right now. I’ll call you later. The message was sent. And she hoped Gustav received the text message.

She searched for Professor Mkondo's number and dialed it.

“Hello!!” The heavy masculine voice was heard on the phone.

"Hello, sweetheart!! I’m sick, I’m hospitalized in the college dispensary. I don’t feel okay. There is something I want to tell you. Can we meet the moment I’m discharged?” Sabrina pleaded.

"I don't think we have an important reason to meet. I think you’ve seen the video clip, haven’t you?” Professor Mkondo continued. “We should end this…! It’s a disgrace to me!!

You’ve ruined my career. You should never contact me again.

It’s over between us!!” The phone call was disconnected.

Sabrina couldn't believe what she was hearing. She believed Professor Mkondo loved her but now she was facing the mess they made together, the man was abandoning him.




But what the hell happened to him to change abruptly?? It looks like I was living with the dragon knowing that I domesticated the lizard. Sabrina thought.

After all, what happened to me, he only cares about his career, instead of me? He never loved me from the start. I wish I never dated him. She remembered Gustav's words, that people don't change, they just reveal who they really are.

Where should I hide my face? What should I wear to hide this face from all the embarrassment I’ll face the moment I step out of this room??? Sabrina’s eyes welled up the moment she thought about how she would be seen by others.

S.H.A.M.E, SHAME could be seen all over her face. As she believed that no one would love her, or respect her like she had been respected for the previous years of her college life.

Who will love me from this moment? Who will accept a woman whose nudes have been seen by thousands of hungry hyenas? Sabrina hugged her feet as her eyes welled up once again. An endless Jordan river painted her cheeks.


“She fainted? When?” Gustav’s voice was heard as fear assaulted his loving heart.

“Yes, that’s what I heard from the WhatsApp group” Zeros uttered.

After contemplating for a moment...Gustav said, “Maybe I should visit her at the college dispensary. Would she be okay when she sees me there?”




It has been long since I met her. I need to be with her during these tough moments she is facing right now. He thought, considering the straightforward and austere personality of Gustav, Zeros believed that he would not change any decision made by this friend of his, he had to support his friend.

“You should just go, brother. This may be the only chance for you to tell her how you feel about her.” Zeros said. “But...are you sure you’ll love her despite what has happened? Are you ready to take the risk? People close to you may hate you for that. You should reconsider your decision before it’s too late.”

“Sacrificing for someone is one of the hardest things in the world, nevertheless they may end up backstabbing you with their untamed heart.” Gustav's voice sounded as he picked up the phone that was beside his bed and wore a black coat ready to leave the room.

“See you soon, bro.” The door that was opened, then closed as the black figure disappeared from the room.


“There he is. He is getting out now. Just capture him and take him to a place he isn’t aware of. I’ll be waiting in the designated place that you’ll send me the location.” A crispy and hostile voice sounded as four black silhouettes followed behind Gustav secretly.

After passing the E.A.G.T CHURCH, Gustav decided to take a shortcut to the college. He wanted to be there for Sabrina as soon as possible though it would be late.




His senses spread as his hair stood up, indicating that something is wrong. He turned back seeing if he was hallucinating but he saw nothing.

Am I being followed? Or is it just my insincere insecurities?

Gustav thought. Before he could leave the shortcut and enter the truck road, two figures appeared in front of him as they were smiling just like a lion who had never seen prey for a long time after being locked in a zoo.

Gustav's nerves stopped for a short time sending information to his brain. He was trying to remember if he knew these two silhouettes of figures in front of him.

“Who— who are you?” Gustav stuttered as he turned around searching for an escape route but there were two other silhouettes behind him.

“Who are you guys?” Gustav said. “What’s this? It looks like you’re hostile toward me or am I thinking wrongly?”

The four silhouettes walked closer to him.

“Have I ever wronged you, big guys?” Gustav pleaded for an answer but the two figures behind him were moving closer than he anticipated. They wanted to trap him in between just like how vegetables and fruits are sandwiched in between the hamburger.

All possible escape routes were closed and he remembered the phrase saying “NO WAY OUT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE


Today the phrase felt too much applicable to him. He wanted to be invisible so that he could escape from the four black silhouettes that were cladded in black raincoats.




“You want to know who we are?? Ok, kiddo!! I will grant your request so that you won't feel wronged after we capture you.” A man who wore black glasses stood in front of him as he removed the black raincoat that he was wearing.

A dragon tattoo could be seen on his bare chest. He was a member of the dragon beast team. The dragon beast was a criminal group that was ruled by the dragon lord known all over Dar es Salaam. And its presence was well known by all police headquarters. But they couldn’t do much about this criminal group that was well known for their inhuman strength as they couldn't be killed easily with a manmade bullet. They seemed impossible to be annihilated and thus posed a great threat to not only businessmen but also to all who were targeted by them, the moment they fall on their target.

“THE DRAGON BEAST CRIMINAL GROUP??!! Gustav shouted. “Who sent you?”

Have I ever wronged the dragon beast criminals’ group in my past life? Gustav thought as he nearly peed his pants.

The four crossed their arms, all their focus on him.

“I need to know who sent you. I’ve never wronged you before, have I?” Gustav pleaded to know the answer.

But soon darkness assaulted him as two figures behind him covered his head with a black veil and he lost consciousness as a heavy strike was made behind his neck.





Sabrina received a text from Gustav that he was coming to the hospital to see her, and Sabrina Michael was waiting for him.

It was 2:30 PM the moment he texted her. Sabrina knew where Gustav was living, she knew that it wouldn’t take that long for him to be there. Hours flew but Gustav never came.

7:30 PM arrived and now it was time for Sabrina to get discharged. Gustav was nowhere to be seen.

He was lost just like the black clouds in the sky which made it obvious that the rain will come soon but they all disappeared painting the sky blue.