Natural Talent by Ravi Kiran Vadlamani - HTML preview

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As expected the selectors kept their faith on the international experience, Kailash's name was not included in the final fifteen. In the mean while Hyderabad team under the leadership of Kailash won the 2014-15 edition of Ranji and Kailash for third consecutive year scored more than 1000 runs in a season. In doing so, he broke some of his own records set in the previous couple of seasons.


After the season was over, as promised to his kids; Kailash took them to the new Batman movie. Thirty minutes into the show, when the movie is into a serious and tense chasing, Kailash's phone rings with a loud noise. Everyone looks at him as if he's committed a huge crime and before it goes into the second ring Kailash answers it, it was from Venkat:


"Hello Venkat sir, I am in the middle of a show can I call you in twenty minutes time? He whispers to the phone.


Venkat says something, but the noise in the theatre gulps his voice.


"Sir I can't hear anything, will call you in twenty minutes" he says apologetically and hangs the phone and turns his phone into silent mode.


During the interval Kailash and Prateek came out to buy some refreshments; Kaushik and Anjali are huge fans of popcorn and no movie is complete without them. Both were at the counter Kailash tells Prateek to place the order and he pulls out his phone to make a call to Venkat. He's surprised to see many missed calls and realises What he kept the phone in silent mode instead of vibration.


It was Venkat who called him and also Mr. Ashok and few other numbers which are not in his address book; Kailash was totally pissed off with himself. while making sure What Prateek is not overdoing with his order, he dials Venkat's number and after couple rings he answers:


"Venkat sir, I am extremely sorry I kept my phone in silent mode and did not realise you called me" Kailash said.


Venkat said something to Kailash as he was collecting a popcorn bucket from the vendor and what he heard just made him cry in pain. In the process he ignores the vendor and paper bucket just falls on the floor with popcorn all over the place. Kailash could not control his emotions and he takes a support from an adjacent wall and slowly collapse on the floor with the phone tightly held to his chest.


He was sobbing like a child and everyone nearby gather around him to check what actually went wrong. Few could recognise who he is and tried to understand from him as to what exactly happened. In the meanwhile Prateek