Never Give up on Love by Quensetta Williams - HTML preview

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12. Chapter


Their kissing came to be the start of much more and the foggy windows became a way to shield them from prying eyes. They ended up cuddled in each other's arms, exchanging light gentle kisses. Although this was not their first intimate encounter, Alex had never felt as close to Grace as he did right then. He had thought about proposing to her prior to taking this trip, but at this moment he felt as if he was at one with her, in a different way than he ever had before.


Alex decided not over analyze the situation, he went with his emotions and put his heart out for Grace to see. He told her he loved her more than life itself, that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her at his side and asked her to marry him. He was hoping for a much different response than what he received.


Grace loved Alex, that wasn't really the issue, but she was too insecure then to make a decision. At that point in time she loved her alleged independence more than being married to him. She looked at him first in disbelief, then confusion, and finally she blurted out, "You're asking me to marry you in the back seat of a car? That's not the proposal I was expecting!" Alex had the look of a wounded puppy after her exclamation of disapproval. Although he knew she deserved the best that life has to offer, he would have given her all that and more if she agreed to marry him. Also he wanted to make sure she didn't get blinded and agree to matrimony because of a huge diamond, a home in the Hamptons and all the other trimmings. Despite Alex's fame and wealth he wanted to be sure the woman he would make a commitment to really wanted him first before any material assets. Even though Grace had money of her own, he knew women that expected the man to start being the sole breadwinner and were looking to marry only for money.