Never Give up on Love by Quensetta Williams - HTML preview

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16. Chapter


For the first time Grace actually saw Alex become visibly upset. He angrily but quietly said "You don't really want me to be a part of your life, I'm just an amusement for you." Grace, at that point, uncontrollably started to cry and blurts out "But I DO love you!" and Alex responded "Maybe you do, but you're not IN love with me!"


She felt confused and sorry that she hurt him but didn't know how to reply. Alex took that to mean his assessment was correct. Except for the sound of the gondolier's oar gliding through the water, the remainder of the ride through the canal was silent. Afterwards they both went on to have relationships with other people although nothing serious developed for either of them.


Grace was sitting out on her patio nursing a glass of Chablis and remembering that fateful night clearly. Not knowing what happened to Alex made her feel angry with herself thinking if she had agreed to become his wife, none of this would have happened. What she didn't realize was that the morning would give her the opportunity to get a third chance at having the love of her life.