Never Give up on Love by Quensetta Williams - HTML preview

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19. Chapter


Grace finds the streets are even more interesting than they were before. More markets and fairs and for some reason the people are friendlier, the colors of the buildings seem brighter. Possibly because I'm here to finally find love, she thinks to herself. She arrives at the same hotel that the package was sent from that arrived at her home. She describes Alex to the concierge and asks if he was staying there. After checking the hotel registry ands asking the manager they tell Grace they have no one registered by the name of Alexander Stanton.


Now Grace was truly heartbroken and wondering if the box that was delivered to her was really someone's idea of a cruel joke. Then another young clerk who overheard her asking about Alex came from around the counter to speak to her. He mentioned that a man matching Alex's description came in to get an address label for a package he wanted to ship to the United States. The clerk gave it to him, but thought it was odd since he wasn't staying at the hotel. Grace thanked him so much and asked if he knew more, but the clerk said he only saw him come in once but that he had seen him around in a couple of cafes as well as near the Grand Canal.


Grace's whole face lit up when she heard that. She happily thanked the clerk and tipped him. The clerk was confused but appreciated receiving such a large tip for simply telling a woman about a man he had seen in passing that wanted a mailing label.