Old roleplay stories & fiction by Andre Michael Pietroschek - HTML preview

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Personal note

Pretending any customer would ever read it..?

My first ebook sold badly, and my stand-alone short stories on other platforms were not too appreciated either. But, as noted before, I really publish this without any expectations. And I got curious about which improvements STREETLIB implemented during my absent years.

This ebook is a collection of files I want to delete or store compressed, as my technological changes go from USB data sticks and PC or notebook to mobile devices and Micro-SD data cards (smaller and more efficient by now). Files like drabbles and flash fiction written straight on websites or in APPS of a smartphone are excluded. But in case you purchased this you can be certain it does help me to re-motivate myself, and continue sharing more freely.

Thank you, and please be reminded that certain technical issues are beyond what I, the author, can influence. I would have done that before publishing, as I appreciated the efficiency and comfort of professionalism. Even, if my own skill level is not, or not yet, at world-best ranking.

I will not sort the files by publishing date, or my personal meaning, but by the roleplaying sub-genres, so all Cthulhu stuff gets after each other before any Vampire or D&D inspired sermon interferes, and ShadowPunk & CyberRun are contemplated due the conflict of my copyrighted own words versus the trademark notes and choices of NOT allowing official fan-fiction for some years from certain publishers. No need to provoke cease and desist letters, or academic dates at legal courts of law. ;-)

  • One reason why I wanted to test how much I can write in readable style while 'inventing' it was: Being the Storyteller, Game-Master, and Dungeon-Master of any roleplaying group had always demanded that much more. We, mostly, are not in luxurious comfort positions, but part of the normal folks, and often the poorer part. Still the narrative tradition, fantasy roleplaying, and the written word can be combined. One of my author quotes for several years: "I won't lose overweight by somebody else doing workouts - I gotta do my own!". The same is true for self-publishing, self-marketing, and enduring the wake-up-kissing from reality, as most of us won't ever live a Hollywood-induced-dream.
  • If you did find this on any illegal pirate page, please consider paying the € 0,50,- cent price anyway, via: http://paypal.me/AMPietroschek