On the Wings of Hope: Prose by Prokhor Ozornin - HTML preview

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Clear Words


About love and hatred to yourself and others

Not loving yourself, it’s impossible to experience the same feeling to another. Hating yourself, it’s impossible not to experience the same feeling to another.


About false victories

The mind will assure you that you are better. The mind will force you to be at war. Only having been tired of the blood of victories, it is possible to start wishing to wash hands.


About desires

Wishing much means to suffer defeat one day. Wishing little means to accept it now. The victory is possible only in the absence of desires but who will desire this victory?


About self-help

If everyone can aid himself, aid to others will be ceased. But everyone knows how to aid others, and no one how to aid himself.


About reaching yourself

It’s possible to be a holy man – and never reach. It’s possible to be a sinner – and never reach. Reaching yourself has nothing in common with others.


About nature and way of things

The thick-skinned do not feel soft touches. Turtles never run. Moles know no such thing as the sun. Wingless have no power to fly. Such is the way of things.


About light and way of things

Light cannot reach closed eyes. Eyes of sleeping ones never shine brightly with light. Light disseminates darkness by its very nature. Such is the way of things.


About life, death, and way of things

What was living yesterday, today became dead once again to further create life in a new form. Life and death are inseparable and one does not exist without another. Such is the way of things.


About emptiness in nature and way of things

The unblown flower becomes a weed for those near him. The withered oasis becomes a part of the desert. Not thawed ice becomes an iceberg in the ocean. The lake, born in an adverse environment, becomes a bog. Nature knows no emptiness. Such is the way of things.


About inner light

The sun doesn’t know the right ones. The sun doesn’t know the wrong ones. The sun shines having no purpose to warm someone. The one who has found his true nature is like the sun.


About false knowledge and spiritual enlightenment

It’s possible to accumulate lots of knowledge – and to know nothing. It’s possible to have no knowledge – and to know a lot. Only in the silence of own experience, an enlightenment is born.


About purity of clear consciousness

It’s possible to talk with sinners – and to remain holy. It’s possible not to torture the body – and to remain holy. It’s possible to live a simple life – and to remain holy. The true holiness is holiness of consciousness.


About renunciation and self-knowledge

The one plunged in the crowd will not find himself. The one renounced the world will not learn others. One can learn himself without renouncing, but can never renounce himself.


About wisdom of right attention

The sacred accept approval of others. The sinner accepts hatred of others. The wise do not seek the attention of others like the first and the second.


About acceptance and learning of yourself

It’s never possible to accept yourself, renouncing. It’s possible to change yourself, only having accepted. It’s possible to learn yourself, only having remembered.


About nature, laws, and the nature of laws

What was absurd yesterday, today became the natural law. Laws change – the nature remains the same.


About life as a teacher

Water sharpens a stone, making it’s smooth. Water washes stone coast, making its soft. Life will teach everyone, capable of learning.


About the speed of destiny

You cannot run faster than yourself. You cannot run slower than yourself. Everyone travels with its own speed.


About the creation of now

One can disbelieve in paradise – and still live in it. One can deny hell – and live in it. The true hell and paradise is a hell and paradise of the present.


About building of world-outlook

It’s hard to accept something that changes a world picture. It’s impossible to accept something that destroys it. It’s expensive to buy a new one. Only creative one is capable of making its own.


About abnormality of the normal

Blind ones call themselves as clearly seeing. Deaf ones call themselves as those who have heard the voice. Dead ones call themselves normal. Will there be a place for healthy ones in a world of sick?


About delayed triumph of justice

The heavy stone sinks in a river of time – and waters of the river sharpen it. There is no instant justice.


About low-useful experience

It is possible to pass by road of life and to reach the last point. It is possible to creep windbreaks and bogs to come to the same road again. Not any experience is valuable for a way.


About living as children

The consciousness is capable to age and rejuvenate. For the one who has found a child in himself time is ready to turn back.


About roads of human lives

It’s impossible to predict the duration of own life, but one can choose its width. The one who chose the wide road will have more fellow travelers. It’s impossible to feel taste and distinguish flashing landscapes of own life, moving with too high speed. The one hastening to live is hastening to die. Ignorance of the general traffic regulation, as well as ignoring of other moving ones can become a cause of the accident. The understanding of rules and psychology of those moving comes with experience. Everyone starts from his last point. The point of destination is the same for all.


About ways of movement on the way

It’s possible to travel own road, creeping. It’s possible to pass it on foot. One can soar high and fly through it. Both three options lead to one point, but only from height of the bird’s flight, all way is clearly visible.


About new births

Nobody came back from death doors in the same kind as he entered it. Either there was nobody to come back, or one’s clothes were different.


About overcoming of the darkness of an ego

When you approach the border of own “I”, a chasm of despair reveals before you. When you see events and people of the past, now forever left far behind, and rush in a search of irrevocably lost, a chasm of despair lives nearby. When you realize all senselessness of former life without awakening, a chasm of despair opens under your feet. When you understand that it will be impossible to return, once started traveling your way, but only accelerate your steps – you accept a chasm of despair. There is a bridge through a chasm, but it passable only alone. Those who have fallen into a chasm and those who have crossed the bridge to the end never return.


About those hearing the divine world

The star which has fallen in hands cannot be kept. The star which has fallen in hands cannot be sold. It is possible to absorb its beauty, giving it the new form. The form is not capable to show all beauty of stars. The one who never saw start will also reject all forms.


About spiritual enlightenment

We are blind from a birth, but not everyone realizes that he is plunged into the darkness. There is a switch in a dark room, but is it so easy to group it in the dark? The switch is high up, and man is small from a birth. There are a lot of things which you will inevitably come across in darkness. They seem much more terrible than they are actually. Each of us has his own room, plunged in darkness. It is possible to accept a dark room for a native habitat and to take out judgments about the world, without seeing. A simple way for many is the most attractive. It is possible to grow gradually and to touch walls consistently, sooner or later have come across the switch. But not all of us are given that much time. It is possible to try to grope it, being small, and to put a finger in the socket. Not everyone is capable to endure painful shock being received and furthermore to continue searches once again. It is possible, moving exclusively instinctively, to upraise hands upwards and in a desperate jump to turn it on miraculously. How many people possess such inborn instinct? When the switch is found, the darkness dissipates, and the room appears in its true form. Those who stayed in darkness for too long bright light could blind for a while. It’s never possible to put the joy of those awakened into words.


About way of no-ego “I”

As your own “I” is being dissolved, you start to hear the music of the heavens. Personal desires and ambitions deform it but are not capable to force to break off. The one realizing his true nature becomes a tool for music. The Awakened One, traveling the path of Existence is the source of the purest sound of stars.


About the time of non-sleeping ones

The sleep of everyone was long. Awakening demands time. For those who have awakened time is stopped.


About visibility of sleeping ones

Having awakened, you will see sleepers around you. Having fallen asleep again, you cease to see them. Two sleeping ones will never see each other’s sleep.


About heroes of the sleeping

The shyness moved to its limit, becomes recklessness. The recklessness moved to its limit, becomes feat. Heroes of sleepers are always full of shyness.


About rescue from illusions

Rescue outside is an illusion. Rescue in other is an illusion. Rescue from illusions comes through own awakening – and the question on saviors disappears.


About worlds of sleeping and awakened ones

The sleeping and awakened ones live in one world. The worlds of both are completely different.


About times of sleeping and awakened ones

Sleeping ones live in the past, hardly realizing the present. Awakened ones live in the present, presaging the future.


About ways of awakening

It’s possible to wake up from an intolerable cold – and to see winter, reigning around you. It’s possible to wake up, having heard birds, singing behind a window, – and to find spring’s arrival. It’s possible to wake up in sweat from devouring summer’s fire when the sun is already in the zenith. It’s possible to wake up with the arrival of autumn when from the last leaf falls from the withering tree. Every awakened one has its own path.


About the ending of an era of earth parasitism

The time of the planet’s assimilation has already passed. The time of its usage passes. The time of its transformation comes.


About true attention to the native planet

What's the reason the colonize other planets, when our original home remains neglected? Only with the transformation of own home will the future transform of other ones become possible.


About temporary difficulties of transition to the new world

Those living in an epoch of changes complain about small disorders, not seeing a sunrise on the horizon. It is impossible to cease sunrise, but the one who raises his sight from the earth receives an enlightenment.


About light and love

Love and light defeat all blight.


About good deeds and God's Court

Of good deeds, one can be proud when his spirit goes to Court.


About false exclusiveness

Almost everyone dreams of himself as being exclusive in this life, yet even the most exclusive ones are being excluded from this life once.


About problems

They are no problems that cannot be solved – there are just those which no one really tried to solve. There are no unresolvable problems – there are only those which nobody desired to resolve. There are no problems at all – yet only something worth improving.


About kind work of life

The day’s not seen behind the deeds if it’s full of kindness seeds.


About gossips

They speak randomly? No matter! Stay away from idle chatter.


About simplicity of pure life

Life is easy for the pure – and of that, you can be sure.


About lonely warrior

One man is no man – whom he’ll battle just for fun?


About false distribution of life roles

Everyone is needed on his place – many ones have lost their saving trace.


About mind and reason

Mind – is an ability think up a way reducing the time of calculation of the number of stars in the sky and drops in the sea in tens of times. Reason – is an ability to understand that such calculation is not required at all.


About joy and grief

Joy – is when all around seems extraordinary. Grief – is when only joy seems extraordinary.


About life stages

Childhood – is when it seems that all are for you.

Youth – is when it seems that you are for all.

Maturity – is when it seems that each one is for each one.

Old age – is when you understand that each one is primarily for himself.


About marketing

Marketing – a science about how to convince another that he needs something that he has no need at all.


About management

Management – a science about how to find an ideal combination of spice-cake with a whip.


About democracy

Democracy – the power of poor ones over the bright ones.


About love and ages

In love all ages are fervent.


About the conscious choice of right thoughts

Thousands of thoughts around? Choose bright ones, and you’ll be stout!


About trustful attitude to life

The bird does sing and knows no strife, and man finds fault with the life.


About the specifics of mind and heart

The mind is talkative and cold – heart sensitively and bold.


About light spiritual healing

Lots of diseases – only one healing: joy and love, good nature, and singing!


About memory of former lives

Didn’t die – so don’t be sad, former lives we just forget.


About selective granting of publicity

Kindness, clarity of words? Go to the public, dear lords. Spiteful spirit, you are violent? It’s better to be silent!


About searching for the meaning of life

Doesn’t look for this life’s meaning? How you’ll come to soar and singing?


About “likes” and adult childishness

Even adult ones, they said, like to “like” the Internet.


About trust to people

It’s better to trust many and be disappointed in a few ones, than to trust no one, having made your soul rigid.


About wisdom of tranquillity and spiritual anguishes

Wisdom in tranquillity, foolishness in sorrow… struggling for stability, which one will you follow?


About brutal goals

The goals of life which lead you away from people are capable to make you brutal over time.


About opinions of the majority

The consent of the majority with someone’s opinion doesn’t make it automatically true, as well as disagreement – false.


About nature environment

Sun, water, and air – a healthy environment that glare!


About despondency and laughter

If despondency is a sin, joyful laughter is a win!


About flogging of nonsense

Don’t lash nonsense – have a pity on a poor creature! It has been already tormented for so many times.


About the right to give and take away life

It’s not you who give life to other people – and it’s not your right to take it away.


About good intentions

By good intentions and bad implementation, the road of grief is being made.


About imposing of a hogwash

If IT is being extolled by dealers; if newspapers don’t stop talking about IT; if shouting with all colors advertisings invite you to try IT; if IT is provided free of charge at first; if all of a sudden there is one thousand and one witness saying that he has already managed to try IT out and cannot find anything better than that – you can be assured that yet another HOGWASH is being IMPOSED to you.


About life tasks

The man never gets impossible tasks. The most complex challenges could be overcome only on a limit of the current abilities.


About nonrandomness of everything

If all events in the universe were casual by nature, it would be no more than a chaotically moving stream of molecules.


About winter snow

Winter snowflake – the simplest proof of a rationality of natural powers. No sort of random events can provide joining of molecules of water into such unique patterns.


About learning of the truth

The truth gradually opens its sides only to the one who disseminates lie of ego in himself.


About search of truth in disputes

The truth in disputes we won’t find because both parties like to bite.


About constructive communication

When talking with people, try to find that good which connects you to them, and not separates. Don’t hurry to state your disagreement with an interlocutor, better try to find the essence of what he is trying to tell you.


About the false way of medicine

Drugs are fighting with the disease –

Count of patients doesn’t decrease.

In the spirit seek the reason

To escape from medics prison!


About consumption and creation

Stop advertising the consumption –

For parasites, it’s like assumption!

Accustom your spirit for giving away,

For only that way “I am Human” you say.


About self-abasement

Self-abasement is a false modesty.


About postponement for later

It’s inadmissible to constantly postpone important matters for a later time – for that “later” may one day not come at all.


About voluntary human happiness

It’s impossible to forcefully make the person happy, it’s only possible to help him become happy himself.


About the cost of earth regalia

May you not be confused by the existence and not be frightened by the absence of all kind of diplomas, ranks and every imaginable degree of people – in the world of God they cost nothing. Explore human nature with reason and heart of yours.


About Improbability Theory

So many surprising events and not casual coincidences have already occurred in the world during all history of mankind that the time has come for scientists to create the Improbability Theory.


About self-conceit of fools

The fool will never think he’s dumb – in own eyes, he’s not a gump.


About thoughts-creativity and belief

The one thinking of the bad is helping it to come. The one thinking of the good is helping it to come. The belief is a belief in the good.


About running through life

Life doesn’t hurry anywhere – it’s only people who run by.


About ways of truth

At first, people decide to ignore those who are telling the truth. Then they start to straighten them out, trying to make silent. Then truth-tellers are being hated, despised and slandered behind the backs. Then they are being beaten by stones. But after all that the truth inevitably manifests itself in the lives of persecutors, and they can escape its quiet and silent gaze no more. Then a bitter repentance comes to vituperators. And finally the truth triumphs all over. Such is the way of truth in a society of lies.


About human non-loneliness

If people could evolve and spiritually grow in proud loneliness, God would give everyone a separate planet.


About acceptance of human imperfection

Learn to accept shortcomings of men, we are not perfect there and then.


About occurring thoughts

Who convinced people that each thought, coming to them, is true by definition – perhaps, it was their own ego?


About the inner beauty of girls

I have seen many beautiful girls – enough to start paying attention to inner beauty.


About the price of human pseudo-respect

While you keep telling people with what they do agree and what, probably, flatters their ego – you are being loved and well-respected in a society. But should you say something opposite to their nonsenses – and their love will be ready to transform into hatred. Such is the price of false human respect.


About belief in God and belief to Him

Once in life there comes such a moment when the belief in God should transform itself into belief to God.


About love through lives

Sincere love lives through the death of our physical bodies. Ones who have truly loved each other in previous lives will meet again in the new one. And the feeling arising at such encounters is stronger than many déjà vu!


About career

Career – a way to shut eyes to own mission. To make a career – to kill in itself desire to go not banal way.


About visible and invisible dangers

Man becomes dissatisfied from a small stone which has hit him in the back and pays no notice to the fact that at the same time he has just been saved from a flying down block.


About responsibility for atrocities

If after you have just made a crime, the thunder didn’t burst out immediately and the lightning from heavens didn’t strike you where you were standing, this doesn’t mean at all that act of yours wasn’t invisibly recorded and didn’t start having an impact on your future destiny.


About assessment of good deeds

Whether a flower worries about who will enjoy its beauty and taste all its flavor? So why people who are doing good deeds are so concerned about their assessment by others?


About joy to be alive

For some man, all riches of the world will not suffice, while another is happy by the fact of being alive.


About reproduction of false knowledge

Every mistake, which has once been injected into the educational chain, inevitably starts reproducing itself from one generation to the next.


About answer to human bark

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