Once Upon a Coffee by Kait Nolan - HTML preview

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A Note From The Author

Thank you for trying a Meet Cute Romance!  If you liked it, please consider leaving a review.  Every one helps! 

This particular Meet Cute is a crossover with my Wishful series, which officially begins with To Get Me To You, now available, and follows up with Be Careful, It’s My Heart.  You can find excerpts of both in the following pages.

You can find out about my new and upcoming releases by signing up for my newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gQvcX

If you enjoyed this happy little slice of possibility, share it with a friend.  This book is DRM-free and completely lendable. 

If you love all things romance and want to meet other like-minded readers to talk about your favorite romance novels, movies, or share the story of your own meet cute, join the Meet Cuties on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/meetcuties/ 

If you want to keep up with all the action in Wishful and hang out with like-minded readers, come join our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wishfulseries/

Find out more about me at my website http://kaitnolan.com


If you enjoyed this Meet Cute Romance set in Wishful, you might enjoy my longer, contemporary romance.  Check out the following sneak peek from from To Get Me To You and turn the page for another sneak peek from Be Careful, It’s My Heart.  

Wishful, Mississippi. From the post Civil War fountain on the town green, to the gossip served along with grits and coffee at Dinner Belles Diner, it will always be Campbell Crawford’s hometown–preferably just as it is. The way he sees it, the corporate big-box store that wants to unpack on the outskirts threatens everything he holds dear, but the town’s economy demands some kind of change. He’s not sure city girl Norah Burke can possibly understand Wishful enough help him turn things around–no matter how much his dog loves her. Norah falls for the charms of the town as hard as she falls for the charms of the man, and she’s determined to help. But even if they can get the votes to send the suits packing and get the town on its feet again, can she really give up her corner office and power lunches for the corner booth at the local diner? What’s a nice executive like her going to do in a place like this?


Excerpt To Get Me To You

“Let’s step outside for some air,” he said.  There were things he wanted—needed—to give voice to, and the middle of a crowded dance floor wasn’t the place.

She nodded once and let him guide her by way of a hand at the small of her back toward the back door.  By grace of the frigid temperatures, the porch designated for outdoor dining and smoking was empty.  Norah went straight to the railing and leaned against it, lifting her face to the sky.  Cam resisted the urge to move in behind her, boxing her in, and instead leaned beside her, his arm brushing hers. 

“I miss simple.”  She sighed and tipped her head against his arm.  “I miss you.” 

He hadn’t expected the admission and credited lowered inhibitions due to the Three Furies.  “You don’t have to.  I’m not going anywhere.  And neither have you, not yet.”

“But I will.  Not tomorrow.  Probably not next week.  I don’t know when I’m leaving.  But I have to start taking control of my life again.  If that conversation with my father did anything, it lit a fire under me to finally start facing the long job search.  I can’t keep putting it off.” 

He was losing her, back to the life she’d come here to escape.  Because he was perilously close to begging, Cam kept his mouth shut, fisting both hands around the railing until the wrought iron began to creak.

She mistook the reason for his silence.  “I promise you, I won’t go until Wishful is safe.  And I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”

He believed her.  And cursed himself for wishing more danger on his town, just so she’d stay. 

If he said nothing now, if he let her walk away, he’d regret it for the rest of his life.

Cam turned her to face him.  “Isn’t it worth grabbing whatever happiness we can, while we can?”  He could feel the pull between them, always the pull. 

Her yearning to give into it was written clearly on her face.  But mixed with it was equal parts sadness and resignation.  “It isn’t about happiness.”

“Why the hell not?”

“Because there are bigger things at stake.”

“I get that you’ve got this mission, this purpose.  I support that.  Hell, I asked you to take it on.  But that doesn’t mean you can’t take something for yourself.  Even Wonder Woman had Steve Trevor.”

“You’re no Steve Trevor.” 

Before Cam could process the insult of that, she was reaching up, cupping his jaw.  “Steve Trevor didn’t recognize what was right in front of him.  You actually see me.”

What Cam saw was a brilliant, beautiful woman with an inexplicably fast hold on his heart and a mule-headed resistance to taking it.  He might’ve said any number of things to try to persuade her, or he might’ve just given in and kissed her, as he’d wanted to do pretty much since the moment he’d stopped.  But Fate, cruel bitch that she was, had other plans in the form of his meddling cousin, who came barreling out the door like an overgrown golden retriever.

Mitch drew up short, his mouth dropping open as he took in their embrace in a glance.  “I…uh…just came to say the food’s ready.  And Miranda’s here.”

“Great.  I’m starved,” said Norah.  She tapped Cam’s cheek gently.  “Thanks for the dance, Leonidas.”  She stepped away from him with the grace that completely eluded her on the dance floor and made her way to the door with the careful deliberation of the inebriated. 

Pick up your copy today!


The best things happen while you’re acting…

The historic Madrigal theater, in the heart of downtown Wishful, is about to close its doors forever.  A last ditch fund-raising effort, a production of White Christmas, is probably the only thing that could bring Tyler Edison out of retirement.  She fell in love on that stage, but when Brody Jensen abandoned her, she lost the heart to sing and dance for the crowd.  Maybe it’s time to take that back…

It seems like pure chance when Brody’s job, which has taken him all over the world, brings him back to his little hometown to oversee his boss’s latest secret project.  Brody’s looking for closure, planning to sell the house his parents left him and finally put his past, and his memories of Tyler, behind him.  What better way than to be a part of this last show?  Even though his leading lady is surely long gone…

Put on your dancing shoes, auditions start at six o’clock.


Excerpt Be Careful, It’s My Heart

“Okay, let’s see where you are, Brody,” called Nate. “‘The Best Things Happen While You’re Dancing’, from the top.”

Tyler lifted a finger for them to wait and put her head together with Mitch Campbell over some plans for their inn backdrop.  Brody knew the architect from way back.  He was Cam’s cousin, a few years older than him, Tucker, and Cam.  Mitch had volunteered to head up set construction for the show, which meant wrangling all the untrained help. 

More power to him, Brody thought.  He didn’t envy the man that job.  He did envy the easy smile Tyler shot Mitch before clapping him on the back and moving to take up her position on stage.  She’d smiled at him like that once upon a time. 

She didn’t smile now as he crossed the stage.  Her face was set in a carefully neutral expression.  Fine.  He could be every bit as professional as she could.  Brody reached for her, curving one hand around her waist, the other taking her free hand.  They fit.  They’d always fit. 

Somebody queued up the music.  Tyler glanced down as if checking the position of their feet, which was ridiculous since she knew exactly where her feet were in the pitch black dark.  The faint trace of color high in her cheeks gave her away.  So she wasn’t as unaffected as she wanted him to believe.  Brody could see the thrum of her pulse at the base of her throat, felt the answering echo of his own as she lifted her head again, focusing on his eyes. 

She was stiff at first, resisting his lead.  They stumbled a few times.  He missed several steps.  Then she did.  And then the song was over, and she was frowning, knowing they botched the number.

“Okay, try it again, and this time, Tyler, remember you aren’t doing an impression of a fence post.  Loosen up,” ordered Nate.

She took a moment, closed her eyes as if to center herself, then nodded.  With a roll of her neck, she shook out all her limbs.  Brody felt the difference in her posture as soon as she took position again.  The music swelled, and they locked eyes.  On cue, they began to move, and at last, at long last, he felt like he was home.  Everyone and everything faded except the music and the woman in his arms. 

He led, spun, dipped, and by the time she broke away into a quick shuffle tap, her eyes were sparking with fun and her cheeks were flushed with exertion.  Brody found himself grinning, improvising in response, as he couldn’t remember this section of choreography to save his soul.  He watched her, starting to follow her lead, mimicking, mirroring as they came back together and whirled around the stage.  And at last they ended, Tyler in a deep dip over his knee, her face flushed and smiling, her chest heaving.

“Excellent!” called Nate.  “You’re remembering how to move together.”

Something hot and dark flashed in Tyler’s eyes.  Brody tugged her up, into his arms, and held her a moment too long, letting the awareness, the heat sink in.  No, he hadn’t forgotten what it was to move with her—on stage or in the dark.  Neither had she.

Her breathing faltered and she tugged away like he’d shocked her.  She looked flustered and wary, which she’d never been at any point in their courtship.  It was kind of adorable.  Brody was wise enough to repress a smile.

Eight years had done nothing to dim the chemistry between them.  She clearly hadn’t expected that and didn’t know what to do with it, so the default response was retreat.  But before her brain had kicked back in, she’d been smiling, having fun, just like they used to.  He could work with that. 

Pick up your copy of Be Careful, It’s My Heart today!