One Good Betrayal Deserves Another by Lee Taylor - HTML preview

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The Rescue  


As the days dragged by, Cassie took a turn for the worst.

She was feverish and delirious; she would hallucinate now and again. Her body would be soaked along with the sheets and Ethan had taken to doing washing daily, to ensure that she had a constant supply. 

He tried to keep her body cool, with towel baths but she showed no signs of improvement. He knew that she needed a doctor but yet again his hands were tied. Cassie was weak, her body temperature sky-high and Ethan was beside himself. He didn't know what to do to help her. 

She was in a state of semi-consciousness and he had to carry her to the bathroom at intervals. He didn't want her messing the sheets or herself. He force-fed her soup that he managed to find in the ship's supplies but stocks were quickly diminishing. 

That night when he collapsed next to Cassie, after a very difficult night, he had a dream. 

"We're almost out of supplies..this is the last can of beans and then we're done," Cassie held it up and frowned. They had gotten used to eating just one meal a day to stretch the supplies a little bit longer. Cassie was just grateful that they had something to eat at all and Ethan promised her she would never go hungry again, once they got back home.

"Don't worry sweetheart we will find something," Ethan kissed her forehead and walked to the seashore, "Join me?" he turned and walked backward. She smiled and walked lazily towards him.

"Isn't it a bit early to take a swim, Mr. Hunter," she looped her arms around his neck and he put his hands on her hips, "Pray tell me, what else is there to do on this island that is bustling with life?" He teased.

"Oh I can think of a few things.." she said suggestively.

"Sweetheart, I meant what I said," he cupped her face and looked at her intently, "I want our first time to be special, not here. It will be worth the wait, I promise," he assured her.

"Why don't you give me a little taste of what's to come?" she dug her fingers into his hair.

"Oh, I can gladly do that Miss Winters..if you follow me into the water. I will race you," he broke out of her arms and ran into the water. She was a bit hesitant, but he kept urging her to jump in.

"The water is cold," she pouted as she surveyed the waves beating against the shore.

"It's quite warm actually, come inside or I will come and get you," he threatened as he walked back to her with renewed determination, the water dripping from his lean body. Cassie backed away and tried to make a run for it but she stumbled onto the sand and he took advantage of the little mishap.

"Thank you for making this so much easier sweetheart," Ethan laughed as he threw her over his shoulder. He ran back and waded in the shallow water, still laughing.

"Ethan Hunter don't you dare throw me-" There was a loud splash followed by a loud scream and a roar of laughter. Cassie spluttered and thrashed in the water as Ethan continued to laugh at her. Suddenly he stopped and looked above, where he could make out the droning of a helicopter. Cassie could hear it too and she looked around, her anger with Ethan temporarily forgotten.

"Can you hear that?" Ethan said excitedly as he ran back to the shore, "Come on!" He called out to her as the helicopter came into full view. Before they could call out for help it descended slowly onto the clear ground. Ethan pushed Cassie behind him protectively and eyed the helicopter suspiciously, as the passenger jumped out.

Ethan woke up with a start, to the sound of a helicopter... He blinked and rubbed his face. His mind was probably playing a trick on him. But as he listened the droning of the propellors drew closer and more distinct. Careful not to wake Cassie he slid out of bed and went outside to investigate. 

"Ethan old chap I thought I'd never see you again!" A body hurtled towards Ethan and tackled him to the ground.

"Mark!" Ethan said in disbelief, "I thought you were dead?!" They stood and hugged each other like long lost brothers that were just reunited.

"That's what they wanted you to believe but the truth is I never made it onto the plane," he said gravely, "your conniving ex locked me up in the broom closet and left me for dead. Fortunately, I know how to pick locks." They grinned at each and embraced again. Mark was tall, handsome with dark, greying hair and deep blue eyes. He was a replica of Pierce Brosnan.

"Are you ready to get out of this tropical paradise?" Mark teased as they stepped onto the boat.

"Of cos!  I'm actually glad you came when you did," Ethan replied. "I have someone very dear to me that has taken ill and her health is deteriorating rapidly. Her name is Cassie Winters, she had the misfortune of being on the same plane as I was." Ethan stroked her cheek and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Hmmm, it seems like there was a silver lining right in the midst of the chaos," Mark winked and slapped Ethan on the shoulder. "It's about time someone captured that heart of gold."

"I just hope I get the chance to love her the way she deserves to be loved." He took her hand and looked down at her pale face. "Hold on Cass," he whispered softly to her. 

"I think the boys have secured the mattress in the back, let's get going. Time is of essence." Mark said.

"So how did you know where to find us?" Ethan inquired as they walked back to the helicopter, with Cassie lying limply in his arms.

"Just pure instinct I guess," Mark shrugged, "when I saw that the reflection of the mirror shining through the trees I was hopeful. So I followed it and here I am-that was quick thinking on your part I must say. No one could miss such a signal."

"I just left it in the hope that someone would see it, but then it could have worked against us if my father's goons found us," Ethan said dryly.

"Oh don't you worry about him too've been presumed dead and he's just waiting to sign on the dotted line, so he can claim your billions," Mark said with distaste.

"Can we still make it on time?" Ethan asked.

"Yes, we can but we have to leave now without further delay."

"See sweetheart, I told you we would make it off this island," Ethan smiled at Cassie as he laid her down.

"I'm sure you two don't have any luggage so let's get out of here shall we?" 

He led the way and they followed behind. Ethan lay down with Cassie's, wanting to keep an eye on her during the long journey.  As they took-off Ethan was filled with nostalgia. A part of him would miss this place, he had grown accustomed to their life here and they had slipped into an easy routine. 

There was no way he could forget what they had shared these past three months, it was probably the best time of his life. Cassie had grown on him and wormed her way into his icebox of a heart. Even as he looked at her now his heart skipped a beat and his stomach was in knots. He loved the way she made him feel and he knew without a doubt that she felt the same way, she just needed some time to get over the betrayal. Kace Miles was a fool and he would pay dearly for what he did to Cassie, Ethan would make double sure of that.

But first things first his father needed to be taught a lesson-one that he would never forget.