One Good Betrayal Deserves Another by Lee Taylor - HTML preview

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Journey To The Unexpected


Cassie drove around aimlessly, uncertain where she should go. She couldn't call her bestfriend Scarlett for obvious reasons and she definitely couldn't go back home. In actual fact she had to start searching for an apartment like yesterday, there was no way she was going to stay another day with Kace. In a split second, she had lost her home, her job, her friends, and the love of her life. When she woke up this morning, she never in her wildest dreams, thought her life could turn into such a horror show. 

She was on her way to see an estate agent about a house when she heard the shrill ringing of her phone; that jolted her back to reality. She regretted not switching it off; she didn't feel like talking to anyone right now. 

"Cassie Winters." She said in a flat tone as she balanced her Samsung S10 between her shoulder and ear, as she pulled over to the side of the road.

"Miss Winters, this Amanda from Ethan Hunter's office. Unfortunately, he won't be able to make today's meeting. However, he would like you to meet him at the airport in the next twenty minutes if possible? He has some time on his hands before his jet takes off, like half-an-hour or so. If you're willing you can dash over there and give him a brief rundown of your business proposal as quickly as you can. Will that be okay?" The personal assistant asked.

"Amanda I'm sorry...I know I nagged you for the longest time to set up this appointment and Mr. Hunter is a very busy man but I'm so sorry I can't make it. I don't work for-" Cassie started to explain and was abruptly cut off.

"Listen, Cassie, this is probably the only chance you going to get so don't mess it up." She reprimanded. "I've bent over backward to convince him to give you this opening-so just get your butt to the airport and re-schedule yourself if you have to. Mr. Hunter is leaving for Siberia in the next hour and won't be back until after three months. Don't waste this opportunity. Get over there." She rang off in a huff before Cassie could put in another breath. 

"What do I now?" Cassie rapped her finger on the steering wheel as she contemplated her next move. She took a deep breath and smoothed back her silky blonde hair, checking her reflection in the rear-view mirror. 

Amanda had every right to be upset. Cassie had bribed her with her favorite chocolate, bought her coffee and called her every day like a love-struck boyfriend. She would have to sort this mess somehow instead of allowing Amanda to take the heat from her boss. 

She found herself driving to the airport. She parked her car close to the private strip, where Ethan Hunter's jet was getting ready for take-off. A guard was kind enough to drive her in his cart and deposited her close to the plane. 

Ethan had just stepped out of his limo, his driver stood at attention as he held the door open for his boss.  Cassie couldn't help but do a double-take of the handsome billionaire. Ethan could back up being generally elegant and expensive-looking with being the owner of a multi-billion tech brand that is every bit as tasteful in appearance as the man himself. His dark hair was tousled by the wind and there was stubble on his perfectly shaped jaw, giving him a rugged sexy look. 

He looked fresh like he had just stepped out of the shower. His fragrance was a bold aquatic marine scent giving way to apricot and smoked beechwood; while the woody and fruity elements ground the scent in something more familiar. The way he smelt reminded Cassie of autumn, but on the coast. The art of slow seduction was the theme here, and his fragrance delivered on that promise. His indigo eyes roved slowly over Cassie's slim body and he held out his hand in greeting. 

At this very moment, Cassie understood why this gorgeous piece of flesh, standing in front of her was named The World's Hottest Billionaire many times over in almost every relevant, glossy, fashion magazine. Ethan Hunter was a babe, she thought as she blinked continuously, unable to hide her reaction.

"You must be the very persistent Cassandra Winters, I'm Ethan-as you are well aware I'm sure." A smile teased his full lips and Cassie felt her mouth filling with saliva. 

"Yes...uhm- about that Mr. Hunter-" Cassie frowned as she remembered the reason she was here in the first place. 

"Listen, sweetheart, I'm in a bit of a rush-so can we walk and talk if you don't mind?" Ethan continued to hold her hand as he led her up the ramp, helping her up the stairs. Cassie noted that his hands were soft and smooth, more than hers if possible.

"Can I take your coat?" Cassie allowed him to help her remove her pink woolen jacket.

"Thank you," she returned his smile, "but that won't be necessary. I-." 

"Sit, please," he gestured to a plush seat opposite him. "Tea? Coffee? Or are you a water girl? actually I think a latte would be great for this weather." He remarked, deciding for them both. "Henry makes the best lattes and croissants, that's why I never leave him behind when I travel." Ethan pressed the intercom and ordered the refreshments.

"Mr. Hunter there's -" Cassie pursed her lips.

"Ethan, please." Ethan insisted. "Go on Miss Winters." He smiled.

"Cassie, please." She mimicked and Ethan flashed a teasing smile flashed, rendering her temporarily blind.

"Ditto sweetheart." Dimples peeked out from his mega-white smile. His teeth were the most perfect teeth Cassie had ever seen. They were even and as white as snow, his full lips screamed 'kiss me now' and she just knew they would be soft to the touch. She found herself imagining what it would be like to be kissed by him...She sighed inwardly and tried to concentrate on what he was saying. 

"Cassie, are we still together?" Ethan waved his hand in front of her and laughed softly, a twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Your latte Sir," the hostess placed a tray on the table and left quietly.

"Look- Ethan, I'm sorry for wasting your time but I'm no longer working for Walters Advertising...I was fired this morning because I was stabbed in the back by someone I considered my friend!" she ranted. "Today has just been the worst day ever and it's not even noon." She sighed deeply.

"Care to share? It always helps to talk about it with a neutral party. Especially with a newly acquired friend like myself." He said, passing her cup across the table. "Go ahead. I'm a good listener-I promise."

"So you're not mad?" she looked at him in surprise. 

"Sweetheart! Why would I be mad? Your boss is a jerk. That's the main reason I didn't want to do business with you in the first place-it had nothing to do with your negotiation skills. That's the honest truth." 

"So why did you agree to this meeting?" She asked, baffled.

"To meet you, dear Cassandra. Your reputation exceeds itself, Miss Winters. I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to meet you in person and...I was kind of hoping I could lure you to come and work for me instead... So am I making any headway? Or do I have to turn on the Hunter's charm?" He winked swiftly at Cassie, who started to choke on her drink.

He put his mug in the cup-holder, strode over to her side and started to gently pat her on the back. "Are you okay?" 

"You might have turned on the charm a little too much," she admitted with a strangled laugh.

"Oh really? I didn't even try this time around." He gave her an intense look as he rubbed circles on her body. "I wonder what would happen if I did."

"I think I'm okay now.." she said under her breath, with furtive glances to right and to left.

"So tell me....have you ever been to Siberia Miss Winters?" Ethan's hazel eyes twinkled with mischief. 

"No, I haven't.." In her perplexity, she was appealing to him who was practically a stranger

"Well I suggest you buckle up sweetheart;  because we're about to soar the skies" With that, he leaned back and strapped his seat belt.

"But-but-" She stuttered.

"Buckle up sweetie, we can discuss the small print later." Every word fell from him with a quiet and steely deliberation.

The jet swooped off the ground and into the sky gracefully and to the bewilderment of Cassie, the pace of the jet never slackened. Could this day throw any more curveballs at her? She stewed quietly in her chair, while Ethan sat back and enjoyed a laugh courtesy of her of course. She didn't know whether to be mad or relieved. 

"Relax Cassie! From the looks of it, you could use some time off. Take this as an opportunity for self-reflection or self-discovery. Honestly, you look like you need to escape from it all. You can thank me later." Ethan observed quietly, she didn't even need to tell him anything, he just knew. 

"You're right Ethan, but I didn't tell anyone where I was going..and I don't have any clothes-." 

"You can call your parents once we land. As for clothes I have lots of money at my disposal so I can take care of that." He offered.

"I don't have parents-they're late.." She hoped he wouldn't ask any further questions.

"So everyone else is irrelevant." He said with finality. 

"You know what? You're right?" The more she thought about it, the better it seemed for her to leave. This was perfect timing. "I think I'll thank you now. Thank you, Mr. Hunter." She smiled at him and he reciprocated.

"We have a long journey ahead of us. So why don't you start by telling me about your disastrous day? Start at the beginning, don't leave anything out." Ethan rubbed his hands in anticipation.

"Are you sure you want to hear it?" She rolled her eyes.

"I love a good story sweetheart. Spill!"He demanded, and they laughed at the irony of it. They made themselves more comfortable as he refilled their cups and handed her another croissant. 

"Okay here goes," she took a deep breath and sat back, "It all started when....”