Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 7

Turns out John and Jessica had a wild time of their own. When we went out hunting, the dinosaur that I killed with one blow wasn't actually dead. I just kind of knocked him out. He awoke shortly after the two of us left the base. They said he was hard to capture and the little pain in the ass creature could kick hard too.

Luckily no one else got bit by the four foot tall tower of terror but he pretty much destroyed the eggs that we had collected earlier on in the day. Now there was no hope in returning the eggs, no hope in learning anything new from the eggs and omelets were absolutely out of the question. In a way I feel sorry for the poor dinosaur they first had to shoot it in the eyes with the lasers to blind it and when that didn't kill it they brought out the flame thrower and cooked it alive.

That explains how and why dinner was ready for us all when we returned back to camp. The sun remained high in the sky and I started to have my doubts that the sun would ever start to sink. I was tired and longing for my bed. Sadly we had no beds on this new planet. All we had were the hammocks that we were able to save from the destroyed ship.

I couldn't help but wonder how long we could survive in this other world. At the same time I couldn't help but wonder how long the people on earth could survive. It would seem that time was running out for all of us.

I tied my hammock up in one of the corners of the small base that we had constructed earlier. The base is made of flimsy snap together space materiel it's a rather large shelter but it's not the strongest of buildings to ever be constructed. It was useful to keep us out of sight of the dinosaurs and out from the hot sunny day. I climbed into my hammock while John, Jessica and Kevin sat at a little table that was made from the same space age material that the base was made of where they were dealing cards to each other to play poker.

They wanted me to join them but truthfully I didn't know the rules to poker. It's funny how I came to be the captain and I have no clue how to play a simple game with cards. Or how I was the first to panic when confronted by the Tyrannosaurus. I was told two different times to shut up by members of my crew. Now the mission is shot to heck so I guess I could just call them friends now.

As I lie awake in my hammock I thought about what all has happened today. Nobody seems too upset that we wont make it back to the doomed planet Earth. The thought that we need to try to co exist with dinosaurs is a thought that doesn't settle right with my soul but there is nothing more I can do to change things about that.