Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

We walked down hill following the river, drank of the water. We then walked out into an open field. Most of the times when I went on my walks I was only accompanied by John, Kevin, Jessica and maybe three others. This time there were twelve of us walking around in the open field. I Had a feeling that we should turn back early and head for the cave. I ignored my feelings and we continued walking for another ten minutes until we reached my usual resting spot.

We sat around enjoying the much needed time outdoors. The feeling of being watched came over me and I suggested that we should head back to the caves. We might have been armed with sears, daggers, bows and arrows but sometimes it's easier just to run. Just as we were standing up a large dinosaur burst through the woods and grabbed a hold of Kevin. It clamped it's huge jaws around Kevin's mid section and clamped down shaking Kevin violently ripping him in half in a matter of seconds.

The bottom half of Kevin slung to the left while the upper half of Kevin was pulled into the murderous mouth of the Allosaurus crushed and then swallowed before we had a chance to react to the presence of the large meat eating dinosaur.

“Kevin!, Oh my God! NO!” I screamed in disbelief but it was too late and he was gone.

Screams of panic and horror filled the once peaceful and quite resting spot.

“Tears flooded my eyes, and I lifted my spear but I couldn't see to be of much use fighting the giant dinosaur.

“Just run!” Jessica screamed at me and to the others who were trying to pull out their weapons as well. The large meat eater looked at Jessica and cocked it's large head to the side and started after her.

A couple of brave cave dwellers found there way in between her and the large red dinosaur the Allosaurus roared and stomped them into the dirt. I started searching desperately to find the kind of plant that contained the poison that could kill the large animal but I couldn't find one anywhere. I noticed other cave dwellers searching for the killer plant as well. Jessica, John, and the most of the others were running full speed back to the caves. At least I knew they would be safe. I was sure that me and this small handful of cave dwellers that were searching for the plant could slow the Allosaurus down enough so that everyone else could make it to the cave safe and sound.

I was feeling deep regret in asking who wanted to go for a walk today, I was also kicking myself in the ass for not turning back when I felt the urge to. My friend was gone and I couldn't bring him back. I had no time to get lost in my regrets I had to avenge his death. I pulled out my bow and arrow and loaded the weapon pulled the arrow tight and let the bow fly striking the enormous animal in the back. The dinosaur turned to me and bellowed another roar and started running toward me. I saw my life flash before my very eyes.

Everything was moving in slow motion I could feel the dinosaurs foot steps as they hit the ground. I looked around and I could see the cavemen running toward the beast with their spears slicing it's skin. It head butted one cave dweller and whipped another one with it's massive tail. Finally I snapped out of my trance and yelled at the others to run for their lives.

They did as they were told and ran away from the beast. I also retreated from the dinosaur. I ran in the opposite direction from the caves leading the dinosaur into the jungle. I figured that would give everyone a chance to get away. I also thought I would have a chance losing him in the jungle. The Allosaurus kept up pursuit as it followed me into the thick brush, it was slowed down not being in the open. Thankfully to my size I was able to run a lot faster through the trees than he was. I kept my eyes low searching for the plant that might be able to save my life. I saw no sign of the damn thing. My heart was pounding hard  and my chest felt heavy. I thought I might pass out but I kept focused and I was determined to survive this encounter with this bloody dinosaur.

Up ahead I saw what I had been searching for it was that plant. The one with the poisonous leaves. As I run towards it I stooped down and plucked a handful of leaves out of the plant. I rubbed the leaves on the tip of my spear getting it ready for the kill.  The filthy lizard would have no idea what was coming to him. I stopped dead in my tracks and this must have confused the dinosaur because he stopped running as well. I could barely see his red skin through the thick trees.

I shouted for him to come and get me. He approached with caution. I must have misjudged him maybe he could smell the poisonous plant. I started walking towards him with the spear in my hand ready to rip it into his thick flesh. The dinosaur started to walk around me in a circle trying to get behind me but where ever he would turn I would turn the same way. There was no way I was going to let this beast jump on my back.

This stand off lasted for maybe twenty minutes Earth time. Finally I made the first move running towards the large lizard slashing violently at him. He ducked away from the spear and raised his tail and swung it towards me but I was able to dodge it at the last second. Finally I saw an opening and jammed the spear into the dinosaurs side. The Dinosaur gave a loud roar and chomped at me one final time as it fell to the ground. I stood there listening to it's final breath. Thankful to be alive.