Other World by Patrick A. Walston - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

The dinosaurs in and around the water began to panic and then all hell broke loose. During the panic the dinosaurs started a stampede, Kevin and I didn't have much time to react they were heading straight up the hill. I had thought the dinosaurs would be slow moving and clumsy creatures but they could really move when they needed to.

Down by the water the T-Rex came bursting through the dense  wooded area.  Chasing after the slower dinosaurs that had not had a chance to get completely out of the water yet. I would have loved to stay and watch the T-Rex feed but the wild stampede was already half way up the hill.

Kevin and I could do nothing but run for our lives as well. The animals were upon us in seconds, there was no way out of the mess that we were in. All we could do was look forward and keep running with the hopes of not getting trampled to death.

The sound of the stampede was like the rumble of thunder and the earth shook under foot. Many times Kevin and I would try to go to the left or right to get out of the heard but the larger animals would come from behind us and go around to our sides cutting us off. That was still a lot better than getting stomped into the dirt.

Finally the last of the dinosaurs passed by us leaving us unharmed the stampede lasted only a matter of minutes but it seemed a lot longer. I turned around to see that the T-Rex had cornered an adult  dinosaur and was moving in for the kill. It's massive jaws opened wide as it lunged forward taking out a large chunk of the much smaller dinosaur's neck.

“We have to leave before it sees us” Kevin said in a whispered voice.

With those soft spoken words the T-Rex Jerked it's head up from it's kill and turned to face us.

The giant animal's sharp teeth dripping with fresh blood, it's eyes focused on the two of us. It raised it's head and let out a terrifying roar. Kevin and I both started running back down the hill in the same direction from which we had come. The dinosaur started up the hill after us sniffing the air. With the boom of each foot step the large animal made I couldn't help but to let out a scream. Kevin kept his cool he told me to “shut up and run!”.

My brain was racing faster than my legs were carrying me and my heart was pumping even faster than both put together. We finally made it back into the jungle and the T-Rex broke off the pursuit. I ran until I tripped over a tree root and landed hard on my stomach knocking the wind out of myself.

Kevin walked over and helped me back to my feet again but it took me a moment to catch my breath.

“Maybe we should get back to base and start from scratch” I said in a whispered hoarse voice. Kevin nodded his head and we started back to base.