Pamela's Family Doctor by Rosina S Khan - HTML preview

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Pamela Moves on With her Life


Pamela had to reorganize her life. While her old job was not serving her well and she called it quits, she knew she had to bring her life back to shape. What were the options, she reflected. She wrote down:

1) Go abroad and work.

2) Go abroad and do PhD.

3) Settle for a good job where she was.

Well, she was willing to try all three but she noted them down based on her priorities. She would rather like to go abroad and work rather than go for a PhD or settle down where she was with a job.

She will get busy now. The solution the Universe had to offer would certainly be great. She trusted the Universe completely. Now that she had three options, the Universe would align her with the one that is a vibration match for her. In fact, Pamela actually had faith in the law of attraction and that like attracts like.

Great to know, Pamela. Life will be sweeter once again and go greener more than ever before too!!