Paranorma: Paranormal. Supernatural, and Horror Short Stories by C.W. - HTML preview

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Haunted Horror House

Paranormal Journal 3


Hey!! Miriam back again for another Paranormal Journal Entry. Paranormal Journal Entry 3, Date October 20th, 2001. As you all know I’m a medium and this my journal where I document my experiences with the paranormal and supernatural. This experience was quite scary and happened through a dream except it didn’t feel like a dream it and it felt real. I was sleeping quite soundly, when I began to dream, I dreamt of a beautiful old house, with an old wooden front door with stained glass in it. The year was 1895, in the place of Pigeon Forge Tenneesee, and the people I saw were wearing old clothes like they wore in the late 1800s, there still horse and buggies as means of travel. The flowers in the flower bed looked freshly planted. Something with this house was off and I could feel it in my gut, there something wrong about it, like it was evil or something. I knew nothing about this house, or how old it was or even where I was. All I knew was I was in the Victorian era and I loved it. I walked around the house getting the feel of things when I felt an evil presence looking at through the upstairs window, but it kept itself hidden, but whatever it knew I was here. I instantly began to feel sick, weak and I had one killer of headache and that the same I felt pain, sadness, and hatred. The grounds itself felt wrong, like it was saturated with blood ad evil. I saw flashes of someone’s life, it upon me like I was watching a movie. I watched some guy murder a girl with hatchet and she was hacked to death, then he chopped her up and buried her limbs around the house, later he died by shot to the head, he trying to escape when the police caught him he died in the house. I saw a family get murdered to, two young kids and a young woman. Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with grief I fell to my knees and began to cry uncontrollably, I feel the pain of the hatchet, the sadness of the death, and hatred and evil that surrounded this place. Whoever was here wanted me to know what happened to them. “These poor people”, I said to myself as I got and dried my tears as I kneeled on the ground and prayed for strength and protection. I gathered my strength and got up and I headed to the front door, I turned the knob and the squeaked as it opened slowly; I walked in overpowered by the smell of rot, death, and the stink of evil. Whatever inhabits this house is more sinister than any ghost, demon, or sprit I ever came across. It knew I came into the house I could it’s evil presence get closer and it was curious about why I have invaded it’s home and I was praying this thing wouldn’t retaliate and hurt me in some way. The house was freezing, and I had goosebumps, I was careful not to touch anything in the house out the respect for the dead. I move from room to room seeing glimpses of ghosts every now and again. The kids are the one most appearing to me and they want to play. I see them they appear then disappear in different rooms as if they’re playing hide and seek. I can hear them laughing and playing. And running about but then I hear them scream as I get closer to where they died, at this point I’m now making my way upstairs to the kid’s room. The playing has stopped and it’s eerily quiet, but the kids scream, they are so loud it hurts my ears. I walk into their room, I can feel the fear and the sadness, I begin to cry. The kids are here with me I can feel them around me and now I see two orbs bouncing around the room. I walk around the room; I get a flash there are the kids hiding in the closet holding one another trying to be quiet. I hear the sound of heavy footsteps come up the stairs, there he was there something extremely evil and dark attached to the father, I cringed at the site of the creature, tall and scary, long sharp teeth, with drool dripping from it’s teeth and it had the most sinister, creepy, smile as if it was satisfied with the death, fear, and evil that surrounded. The man looked so scary, the looked in his eyes I will never forget, his eyes were black as coals, he looked so evil, I think he was possessed and whatever was attached to him had taken over his body and mind. The father was searching the room for his kids calling them each by name, the kids just sat quietly in the closet praying their father wouldn’t find them. He opened the closet door forcefully hitting the wall with a “thud”, the kids began to scream as he killed one by one. I stood in there in awe, just crying. The father saw me and so did the demon, the father grabbed suddenly causing me to jump, I got a flash of what happened. “Hello sir”, is all I could manage to get out my mouth. “Hi, what you doing here, he asked me confused? I don’t know, I just showed up here I answered, I’m guessing someone in this house has unfinished business and has called me to come and help. Miss, he said, I don’t have much time, I didn’t murder my family I did but something made me to do this, I loved my family and girl I murdered too I didn’t want to, it just happened, he explained as he began to cry. When I saw you come the steps just now I saw your eyes and you sir were and are possessed and probably have been for years and whatever is here now is attached to and still possessing you, and is why you killed your family and that poor girl. This demon is keeping me, and my family, and poor girl bound to this house. Oh, I know sir, I can feel it’s power whatever it is it’s strong. Miss, will please help me? He asked me kindly. Sir, I’ll do my best. Thank you is he said, touching my arm.” Before I knew the nice man turned into an evil, nasty, mean person he pushed out his way and disappeared into the wall. I walked around the rest of the house and there in the bathroom I met a beautiful young woman, she was wearing a long black Victorian gown with the prettiest handstitched lace. She looked beautiful, she grabbed my hand and lead me into the bathroom, she’d shown me her death she bathing in the tub, when she’d had dozed off was hit in the head with a hatchet where she bled to death. I saw her lay there in the bloody water of the clawfoot bathtub, I had to cross her over, “Hi miss I’m Miriam and I’m a medium, I’m here to help you and this family, I looked at her as tears streamed down my face. Would like to cross over now I asked? Yes, I would miss she said in a quiet, mousy, voice. Lord, I’m here in this house to help these lost spirits and unbind them from earth and I ask in your Holy Name that you take Genevive Helstrom into your loving holy arms, and that I cross her over through only you Lord and accept her into the Kingdom of heaven, thank you Lord, amen.” A light appeared and Genevive shouted I can see the light, go in into I said guiding her, its ok you can be at peace now.” I watched her walk into the light until she was gone. “Hi, I’m the wife of the person who did this to me my name is Jolie Adams, my kids and are stuck in this house we want to leave here but we’re bound to this hellish house. Hi, I said in friendly voice, I’m Miriam and I’m a medium and I’m going to my best to help you. There are more than one demon that are invading this house I fear there a horde of them, and they keep us here, bounding us to earth, making us relive the night of deaths over and over. You see, Jolie said, kids have come and gone having seances in the house and I have seen witches come and make their witches circle and do unspeakable things, and I have seen things to that terrify me to my very core. I think I have seen the devil himself walk these halls of this old house. I can feel the evil that overpowers this house, I replied smiling touching her arm, I’m do rid this house of these demons and the devil himself.” Jolie smiled at me as she disappeared into the next room, I walked back downstairs this time I headed towards the basement, I walked towards the door, the floorboards creaked as I stepped on them, I turned the knob to go into the basement, the door opened. Before taking my first step I could smell rotting flesh and sulfur and it was overpowering, I started to gag. I pushed myself forward as made my way down to the basement, it was dark and damp and smelled of mold and mildew, rotting flesh and the smell of sulfur. Just then I got another flash, there was a woman who just come out of a bar and hit over the head with a rock and then drug here by man, he drug her to the basement tied her up and hacked her to death, and her remaining limbs and burying them in the house under the floorboards. As the woman lay unconscious I watched her get murdered right in front of me, and I just cried. Just then I saw the darkest, most evil shadow I had ever seen, it red glowing eyes, and it was huge, and I heard it hissing and growling. I walked closer to it; there it was it so humongous, it was six feet tall, long black tail, it was evil. I looked into it’s red eyes and I saw everything, it had showed me a vision, it here in this house before the the Adams moved into this house, the house was abandoned. This demon had some how been summoned and released by someone and now possessed this house and now Andy. I saw it possess so many people one after another each of those people dying afterwards. I saw Andy killing and the demon that was possessing him and was attached to him, the demon was making do all of this. But wasn’t Andy still a murderer despite the fact that he was possessed? Or had he no clue what he was doing because of demon oppression? The demon had enjoyed all the killing and the murder and was feeding off the fear, terror, sorrow, and pain. And it was growing stronger, this demon was holding the spirits hostage. These poor ghost will never be able to move on unless I step in and help. I asked the demon how it got here, it told this, “I was summoned by some young kids that were playing a demon game “Turn The Key”, the find a key to the house where I came out of, that door is a portal to the demon world, it said as it hissed. Can I help you get back to your world? I asked trying to help. I want to go back to my world, but I’m trapped in this house, the book that summoned me is locked away in this house and a witch brought me forth, and she died, and I got trapped here. Find that book and help me get back to hell. It will open the portal and then when you release the one possessing Andy I can take it with me, it explained. How do I know you’re not lying, and you won’t drag me or anyone else in this house to hell with you? I asked. I know you’re a medium and I have been honest with you so far and yes I might be a demon and demons are known to lie, but I was a human once which still like to think I have some humanity left in me. If I wasn’t being honest with you I wouldn’t told you these things. I want that demon that possesses that human gone, it’s using Andy to guard that book. I have been trapped in this house with that demon for far too long and I it gone and back to hell. Now will you help me. Yes, I said, of course I will. Oh, my stars, I said to myself in my head, I can’t believe I’m helping a demon, that’s a first for me what else was I going to do, but the better question was could I trust this demon?  I am not the one possessing Andy cause if I were I wouldn’t be here talking to you, what is possessing Andy is much stronger than I. I am one of the demons that possess this house. The demon that possesses Andy won’t go without a fight and will take Andy back to hell with it if it has to, or he kill him. That demon comes from the darkest realm of hell and he came through when I was summoned, I am the guardian of hell just a soldier I don’t want anything to do with humans, I don’t like humans and wish to possess no one. That demon feeds of evil, fear, hate, and murder, his goal is to spread terror and shed blood. There was too much horror in this house for me to take, all I wanted was to wake up from this never-ending nightmare, but I couldn’t I needed to stay and help these poor restless spirits so they could get closure and be to finally cross over. The one I feared most about helping was the father, I wasn’t sure if I could help him, I felt that it already be too late for him the demon who possessed him still wouldn’t let go of his grip on him. It would be hard to save him and I knew nothing about exercising demons. And since Andy was already dead I figured his fate was already sealed, all I could was bless the house release the good the spirits and banish the bad ones and revoke the demons. My only choice was to trust the demon soldier that asked me for help, I checked every room of the house, I made my way upstairs, when I moved closer to the attic I began having a vision of an attic and the book was under the floorboards, I watched the witch remove the book, she set it down and drew a pentagram on the floor, she then laid candles around it, she grabbed the book, removed the key, and began to chant a spell, I then watched a dark evil spirit in a form of smoke come out of the middle of the pentagram and then it transformed itself into a demon. The demon possessed the witch just before she killed,. Just then the door downstairs busted open and angry townsfolk came in stomping upstairs to the attic where the witch was, they tied her up and stabbed her numerous times with spears and left her there to die, the witch bled to death and now she bound to this house forever. I shook myself out of my vision and went into the attic to retrieve the book I knew I had to act fast in order t make things right in this house, I called for Jolie and her kids and told her my plan, “First I said I need permission to cross you over in order to keep you safe, I will unbind you from this house, then I going to do an exorcism on Andy and send the demon back to hell. Jolie and her kids agreed, I said a prayer I say before crossing a spirit over and it goes like this: Dear Lord, I ask you for your guidance to help cross over this earthbound spirits, I pray that you unbind them and bless with safe crossings only through you Lord and may they find peace in your kingdom, amen.” I saw a bright light and in that light I saw two beautiful angels waiting to guide Jolie and her kids to heaven, Jolie said thank you and she hugged me goodbye, and I watched them disappear into the light. I heard heavy footsteps from the attic I knew it was Andy, he was furious I took the book from the attic from his hiding place and Andy must have been watching me and now he came after me, he had his hatchet, he swung it at I jumped back and he barely missed me, I ran into the basement, I could Andy chasing me, I ran down the basement steps, the demon soldier was waiting for me, he stood there watching me as we waited for Andy. Andy came thundering down the steps swearing and cursing and is mad as hornet. He comes at me the demon grabs him from behind and drags him to the table where then I restrain his arms and legs. I pull out my holy water and cross I carry in my bag I say a prayer and something like this: “Dear Lord, I ask you to guide me and help through this exorcism, please send your guardian angels to watch over me, please grant me with patience and strength to help me with this exorcism, I pray this man can be redeemed through you Lord, you grant him forgiveness for he was possessed at the time of these murders and grant him permission into heaven, amen.” I took the holy water and threw on his head the demon hissed at me as watched his skin bubble, “I command you to leave demon, you have no permission to in this body, I said trying exercise the demon, it just laughed at me telling I don’t have the strength to do this exorcism, but what that demon didn’t know was that I was strong in the faith and not only did  I have faith, power and strength. I said firmly to the demon, I do have faith, power, and strength and I will send you back from hell.” I kept throwing holy water on Andy he twisted and writhed in pain and I kept commanding the demon out him, and I said again, for the last time I commanded, in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave this body forever and banish you back to hell.” The demon came out of his mouth in form of black smoke, and then it transformed itself into a demon, the soldier demon grabbed him by the arms and held him and he yelled “NOW” I pulled out the book and began saying the spell to open the door, “Oh magic door, open so I can see more, I need to see well, so I send this demon back to hell, the door slammed open, the demon ran into the door dragging the bad demon inside, he yelled “shut the door and lock it, burn the book and key”, and the demons were gone forever. I closed the door and locked it and said another spell to lock the door forever and made sure it would never be opened again. I rushed over to Andy who laid there on the table, he looked confused, “what happened he asked? You were possessed by a demon that a witch brought forth and she bound it to this house but it’s ok it’s over now, you may cross over I answered him smiling. You have been redeemed and forgiven and may enter into heaven, I retorted. Thank you he said, where is my family he queried? They have been crossed over and are waiting for you. I’m sorry for everything, nothing to be sorry Andy it’s all forgiven, go and get some peace. He looked at me one last time and waved and watched him go into the light. I went upstairs and started a fire in the fireplace and through the book and key into it and watched it burned until it was nothing but charred pieces of nothing. I woke up in a panic, I felt dizzy and nauseated was that vision I had real or was it a dream, I looked down at my nightgown and found the remnants of blood I lifted my nightgown and I had a small cut on my stomach, what I dreamed was real it really was a vision, it was one of the scariest visions I had ever had. I cleaned myself up and changed and pulled out my laptop and looked up a murder that happened in 1895 in small town of Pigeon Forge, Tenneesee there was a family that was murdered by the father, and before the family moved in a witch had lived and died there. The father went crazy, locals say he was possessed, and the house was possessed, some say the house was haunted, and others said it was the witch seeking revenge. The father killed some local woman, and then killed his family, and he eventually was shot by police, now the family is said to haunt the place. Now the house has been condemned and will be destroyed by the city. It was the scariest paranormal experiences I had ever had and will never forget.