Quarantine Episodes by Festus Destiny - HTML preview

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The I Heard Stories.

In my own ignorance, I have observed that myths and comedy share some similarities. They are both sustained by the energy of exaggeration. Whenever an event or experience threatens to expose the shallowness of human experience, exaggeration is injected into the mainstream of the story to spring up conundrum and curiosity. One of the phrase that is common during this pandemic is the “I heard". The phrase is strengthened by exaggeration.

I heard about silent streets in loud market,

Sirens that lost their voice,

Tragedy too heavy for the tongue to twist,

Pen that ran out of ink,

Voices that cried without echo,

Mother Nature crying naked in front of her abominations.

Naked shells and cold fires,

Darkness that ruled in the day,

Deserts that floated on seas.

I heard about an epidemic,

Arrows of ill that fell from the skies,

Clouds that returned tears that the earth had drank.

I was alive then,

I saw the earth lose balance and spiral flat,

I saw fire swallow water, and sound turned to glass,

Sleep hid behind shadows and left men naked against fear,

I heard, i heard, I heard.