Read or I Punch your Face by Newamba Flamingo - HTML preview

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Punch You in the Face

The next time I see you


I’m going to punch you in the face


Don’t ask me why

I’m not really sure

It could be that thing you said to me a long time ago

That I forgot and you can’t recall

But, nonetheless, it pissed me off


Maybe it’s because you like that song My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas

Maybe it’s because you talk too much during movies

Or possibly it pertains to the peculiar sound you make when you eat


Perhaps it’s the way you look in a hat

Perhaps it’s the things you say to my cat

(I’m glad she always hisses and scratches you)


Whatever it is I’m going to punch you in the face

And I’ll record it and upload it to the internet, too

So you and everyone

Will know and will see

That you got punched in the face

Punched in the face

By me


Getting Naked at Work and Reciting Shakespeare

Sitting in desolate isolation entrapped by a cubicle

My boredom melancholy counted by ticking clocks

Water coolers burping passing time like hour glasses

Co-workers gossiping about the celebrity couple that punched a nun in the face

And adopted a one legged orphan from Sri Lanka with rabies named Pujuma

I can no longer bear the monotony

So I jump onto a table in the middle of the room

And begin to scream out a Shakespearean sonnet

Tearing off my work clothes with each stanza

Instead of an English accent,

I recite it with the voice of Tony Danza

Now totally nude and completed all verse,

I tie my necktie around my head

And strap on running shoes with no socks

No socks, not now, not today

I yell out…

“I am Ezra Pound, and this is my lost Canto!”

Jumping down from the table, colleagues point and yell

Some laugh, some gasp

A lady faints, a man spits out coffee and drops things

My frightened turtle shrivels in the cool air-con

But I care not

For today I am free

I run into my boss’s office

Turning around and bending over,

I sing “Don’t worry, Be Happy” in B Flat and slap on my buttcheeks for rhythm

Not even exiting his conference call, I don't think he notices the intrusion

I wave “ta-ta” and run down the hall to the elevator

A woman had been standing there but took off running when she saw me

Once in the elevator, I hum to musak that sounds like “Kokomo”

“Aruba, Bahama” “Key Largo, Montego”

I love that song and it sounds much better when you’re naked and in an elevator

Getting out, I dodge a security guard trying to capture me

“To be or not to be!” I yell and run out into the street

As I run down the street, I sing Christmas Carols and put quarters into vacant parking meters

(I keep a roll of quarters inserted in my rectum at all times just in case a situation like this develops)

Stopping and saluting a leashed dog,

I revoltingly recant Walt Whitman and have sex with a street sign 

Now smoking a cigarette I picked up off the street,

I begin running and singing again, even more out of key

People scream and point and cover their children’s eyes

It’s amazing the reactions that a naked man running down the street smoking,

bellowing out "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" elicits 

I point to the sky and proclaim wildly:

"Today, and only today, I am the antique's teeth from 'The Waste Land' without the cockney accent, and

they are me!"

I run into a tumultuous shopping mall

Crawling with suburban zombies and credit crunchiness

Climbing up the escalator, I begin to give the Gettysburg Address

Suddenly I’m shot in the back of the head by a deranged Burger King employee on a homicidal rampage

I die instantly 

I’m still naked


Shooting Midgets from a Catapult and Watching Our Teacher Tap Dance Nude

I woke up late today

The alarm clock had grown arms and legs and ran away

Scratching my testicles and stumbling into the kitchen,

I found an alligator eating my Cheerios

There was no time to fight him,

so I took off my nightgown and slipped into some edible panties,

red tights, a green tutu, retro basketball jersey, and funky tennis shoes

I brushed my teeth and put my hair into pig tails

Then I stepped out the door

and mounted the unicycle I ride to school

After giving a stranger the finger, I took off onto the highway

(The” Miami Vice” theme song played in my head)

Upon arrival at school,

I saw Tiger Woods out on the front lawn

with a neck brace on,

shooting midgets from a catapult

A group of mimes were next to him,

involved in a limbo contest

Behind them was a three legged homosexual donkey called “Rufus,”

chasing a rogue peacock in circles like a loon,

whilst singing Lady GaGa’s “Poker Face”

completely out of tune

Inside the school, a roaming pack of football players,

in pads and helmets, tackled random people throughout the hallways,

as two cheerleaders named “Buffy” followed, waving pompoms,

and chanting the school fight song

As I walked into class,

I noticed that our teacher, Mr. Schlomsky, wasn’t there yet

Everyone looked puzzled…

When out of the blue, without warning,

Mr. Schlomsky fell through the ceiling and landed perfectly on his feet

(Totally perpendicular to the podium!)

A balding, obese and hairy Polish man of 5’2,

he was entirely naked except for a large pair of Versace sunglasses,

Polka-dotted bowtie and large red clown shoes

He looked around the room and didn’t say a word for about thirty seconds

And then

Burst into a fiery lecture about Confucius,

which was peppered with Russian curse words,

spastic hand and arm motions,

and brief outbursts of tap dancing

At the conclusion of the lecture,

he juggled pineapples,

and I stood up and applauded

Mr. Schlomsky then shapeshifted into a pterodactyl and flew out the window 

After class, I saw Tiger Woods riding away on my unicycle,

giving me the finger and throwing golf balls at pedestrians

I tried to hail a taxi, but they were all full

Fortunately the baboon that lives in my closet, Fred,

was driving an ice cream truck nearby,

so I pole-vaulted onto the roof of the vehicle and surfed it all the way home

I hoped that alligator wasn’t still in my kitchen because I was hungry and needed something to eat.

Holy Shit! Ezra Pound's Ghost is in my Refrigerator!

The other day I read a poem by a British human named Debs

about an entity that attacked her in the middle of the night

and tried to steal her Calvin Klein underwear 

It was a good poem;

after having a chuckle about it, I ate some shrimp, drank a bit of whiskey,

and went about my business

everything was fine


Something strange happened later that night…

As I slept the sleep of a newborn-tit-sucking-shit-machine,

I felt my Scooby Doo blanket being pulled off me

Slowly I awoke, looked up into the darkness at the foot of my bed and

saw what looked like the ghostly figure of someone I recognized

It was the long dead poet, Ezra Pound!

I said, “Holy shit, are you Ezra Pound?”

He said:

“AHHHHH! Motherfucker! I’m Ezra Pound’s ghost, bitch! AHHHH! BOOO! SCARY! AHHHH!!!!”

Doing what anyone would, I sprung out of bed, grabbed my vacuum cleaner

and chased him around “Ghostbusters” style

but he was fast!

Ghosts of dead poets are really swift!

He jumped into my refrigerator

(I keep the refrigerator door open at night because I like to use a lot of electricity)

I slammed the door shut and trapped him inside

He was like “AHHHH! Let me out! Let me out! AHHHHH!”

However, I decided to keep him in there and went back to sleep like nothing happened

Next morning I opened up the refrigerator and Ezra was still in it

He said he actually likes living in the fridge and handed me a couple eggs and a cuppa coffee

and gave me some awesome recipes for pasta he knew from his time in Italy

He asked if he could stay; I said OK,

because I like having a dead poet in my refrigerator

I really don’t know why people are against having evil spirits in their house

I think it’s fun having demons and stuff, I use my Ouija board all the time to contact them

and ask them to drop by and play Scrabble

What does this “Debs” person think is so wrong with nocturnal entities?

Fighting off malicious spirits in the middle of the night is a gas and such great exercise

Much better than going to the gym!

You know, it all reminds me of this hippy girl I used to have sexual intercourse with in Tennessee

As soon as we moved into a house, she put on a Harry Potter costume, burned incense,

and started some sort of séance to rid the place of evil spirits

I told her “NO! Stop doing that!”

I like having wicked spirits in my domicile!

So what if they’re a poltergeist or something!

They have a right to be there, too, and were here before WE moved in,

so it would be like totally rude to kick them out

What am I, an asshole?

Poltergeists and demons are people, too, with hopes, dreams, aspirations and families

Leave them alone you fucking bastards always harassing them!

(Needless to say, that relationship was short-lived!)

(Besides, she always hated it when I’d shave off my eyebrows, paint a turtle on my chest, and go do aerobics in the 


After that I moved into a 1920’s bright pink art deco Miami Beach hotel that was possessed by something or other

(probably an old pissed off Jewish lady from Manhattan)

Stuff would disappear all the time and things would fall off the refrigerator a lot

(this was before I had a dead poet living in my fridge)

At first, I didn’t believe it was haunted and accused my girlfriend at the time, who was from Switzerland,

of hiding


like my neon green goggles that went missing for a week

and then turned up in the bathtub when I was having a shower and eating cereal

(I eat cereal in the shower sometimes)

I pointed at her and said forcefully that I don’t know what types of weird shit you do over there in Switzerland,

but here in America we don’t steal people’s goggles when they want to go swimming in the Atlantic!

If I were attacked by a shark and mangled to death like an Australian surfer it would all be her fault!

So anyways, even after I chased her away at 3am with a hot frying pan full of bacon,

stuff still went missing, so I’m pretty sure the place was possessed by a spirit of some sort

The whole incident with Debs and Ezra Pound reminds me of that place

Upon reflection, I think I’ll move back there now, buy a purple-assed baboon to keep as a pet,

and bring the refrigerator with Ezra in it, too, and maybe invite Debs over so we can read poetry about ghosts,

and I’ll also invite that Swiss girl, if she wants to come back

Listen, Magda (the Swiss girl’s name), I’m really sorry about chasing you with that frying pan.

Can we be friends?

I’ve got this really cool new ghost in my refrigerator I want you to meet!

Now if you’ll please excuse me,

Ezra and I are going outside to do aerobics in the graveyard

Talk to ya later! 

Bye Bye!


A Trip to the Dentist


(bright light shining)

(head back, eyes closed)

(funny taste, weird smell)


“Open up wider, please”

“Lift up your chin”

“This may sting a bit”

(needle gum pinching, injection gripping, infection slipping, pricking a purple passive haze)

(cooling circular currents of numb mollify my mouth violently in vertical, soothing, yet massive waves)





“That’s a good boy”

(drooling, tongue out, panting like a dog)


“Nurse Ratched, more Novocain”

“Doctor, he’s bleeding a lot”

(suction device probing)



(thinking about changing my chosen brand of toothpaste)

(though it says on the label that nine out of ten oral hygienists recommend it)

(but what if my dentist is the one that doesn’t?)

(what would that mean?)



“Have you been flossing?”

(nodding yes)

(every evening, Doctor Kevorkian)



(damn, that drill sounds so high-pitched and horrid)

(why couldn’t they make it sound like Mozart, Cradle of Filth, or at least 50 Cent?)

(and what happened to the other patients from the waiting room?)

(where did that old lady go?)

(and why are all the magazines here from 2003?)

(and what if Edward Scissorhands became a dentist under an assumed name and identity?)



“We’ll have to take some X-Rays, too.”

“I think those wisdom teeth need to come out”

(cavities opening in my bank account)


(levitating in the chair)

(meditating on that scene from the film “Marathon Man”)


(suddenly that Pixies song “Gigantic” dances into my head, and I am temporarily transported to bliss)

(“Hey, Paul! Hey, Paul! Hey, Paul! Let’s have a ball!”)

(“Hey, Paul! Hey, Paul! Hey, Paul! Let’s have a ball!”)





(picturing Corbin Bernsen)



“Here is my scalpel, cold and hungry”

“Will you marry it?”

(only if it comes with a prenuptial agreement)

(I swear I’m not an anti-Dentite or anything like that)




“We’re all done here today”

“Don’t eat anything for the next two hours”

“Nurse Ratched will finish you off”


(bleeding, rinsing, rising, walking, puking, gripping my jaw, searching for the old lady)

“I’m afraid your insurance doesn’t cover this procedure”

“Will that be cash or credit card?”


“How will you be paying us today, sir?”



“Now let’s schedule your next appointment”



Free Enterprise Amongst the Waste Management Industry (Collab with Yossarian Hunter)




*AM*                 <- and I mean that


a porn addict                              in the physical


                with a                                          and the


taco beer gut                                     metaphysical


done gone nuts                    senses you see


                 became a



compulsive fart[er] 




a big (ass) nasty garbage truck.


                that bitch: 


                                bright (ass) green.




and I play 


                ice-cream truck remixes


of Donna Summer classics


                you can hear a block away


                ((in between songs

                weather updates

                they’re never wrong

                they’re never late

                                                --Jeff Sibley is the weather man

                                                                apparently he is accurate

                                                                                    and punctual--

                                                today’s forecast:

                bukkake showers followed

                by Sarasota sunshine

                perfect for felching the

                hippopotamus sublime))


                                    *FUCKBOTS*  *FUCKBOTS*  *FUCKBOTS*



gotta Michael Jordan bobble head on the dash


                and a sweaty

                                (ass)-flavored pine tree 




                                from a light on the ceiling

                                                --it used to be a light

                                                it doesn’t come on anymore

                                                guess it’ aint much of a light-- 

                                plus a Key Largo payload of dead ballerinas 


                fixing to disappear

                                just as soon as I find

                                                a chrome plated pitchfork

                                to unload them bitches with


                you just absolutely would not believe what dead ballerinas command

                on the open market these days I mean if you dress them up in wedding

                dresses with pink slippers and make it so they lactate when you give

                them the old butt rape then oh my god in just a little while like a week or

                three you’d have enough to help Uncle Frank pay the Thai Lady Boy’s

                ransom and then, man, talk about the poems we’d read


her gonorrhea reflections *sparkle*

                from the clip-on vanity

                                mirror shades

                                                I wear


My friends




**AM**                                                            <<-- I put two stars


gonna be                                                                               ‘cuz this is


the new Billy-The-Goddamn-Kid!                                     the second


amongst big                                                                          time we’ve


NASTY (ass)                                                        been over this shit.


garbage truck drivers




I’ll pull up in your front yard

                spit ya a pearl diver

wipe my (ass) with my hand

                give ya a high fiver




            This bright (ass) green demon

                needs no gasoline to get around

                the block my good friend Glen

                has a still makes the best moon

                *shine* around you could fly to

                fuckin' mars on that shit put a

                gallon in and it’s ballerinas for

                a week  


first day on the job:



second day on the job:


third day on the job:

                assorted bits of 

                                scraps of

                                                pieces of

                torn paper and used condoms

                                and moldy loafs of 

                                                bread that we

                                                                use for-              [shut the fuck up man, 

                                                                                    you’ll queer the market!!]


                                    {what market man chill the fuck out

                                                we got ‘em in every stop-n- rob

                                                            from NE Mississippi to

                                                                        Alligator Alley

                                                                                    it’s cool}


                        *FUCKBOTS*  *FUCKBOTS*  *FUCKBOTS*


bet your (ass) we make the best



in town we make ‘em

                out of all that stuff

                                them other schmucks threw away


            {step right up folks and catch your self a

                glimpse yes that’s right folks you heard 

                right what we have here is the amazing back-

                wards walking *FUCKBOT* it dances the

                Macarena it talks like Richard Simmons

                it has a white boy afro and doesn’t mind if 

                you share it with your friends} 



The trick to making a quality


is twisting the hypothalamus

                into an introverted

                                logarithmic diaper 

                                                            [it took me ten thousand

                                                                                tries to get the thing right

                                                                                (during the movie, a seven