Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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When Sam woke up, she didn’t know where she was. She didn’t recognize anything around her. It was still dark so she thought she couldn’t have fainted for more than a few minutes. She tried to get up from the hard ground. Her head was still light and dizzy. As she managed to get up she looked for the bench to rest a bit before going indoors. But the bench had vanished. The oak was still there, though. She strained her eyes to look for the house when she realized that it just wasn’t there anymore! She took a few more steps in the dark when she realized she was in a park. There were lots of oak trees and pine trees and lots of benches. But not “her” bench. Nope, that was nowhere in sight. Then suddenly from place to place there was light coming from pillars. She had never seen anything like it before. Now she was sure she was in a park. But she had no idea where she was.

She took a few steps towards one of the lit pillars when she sawa boy kissing a girl while an iron beast on two wheels was ready to attack them or something. Then at a second look she saw that they were kissing while leaning against the beast. Maybe it was their pet? But it didn’t make any sounds and it didn’t seem to be alive. Maybe the boy had just slain it and the girl was kissing him with gratitude for having saved her. Sam decided to go closer and check it out. When she got close enough she observed that they were clad in a funny way. She had never seen clothes like theirs before. Perhaps they were sorcerers, Sam thought. But she needed directions so she approached them carefully.