Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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But she didn’t know that as had had never seen one before…. In 1719 there were no cars.

“What kind of monster was that?” Sam thought hardly breathing with fright. But then she was glad that at least the monster had passed by her and hadn’t attacked her. Then she saw them. There were lots of monsters like that on the side of the road. They seemed asleep, although they weren’t snoring. And they had all kids of colors and shapes. The city was probably invaded by them. She wished she could find someone to ask about all this. Someone else besides the rude boy and girl she had met earlier.

She walked down the street when she saw something that reeked of alcohol and puke. It was surely a pub. She should know, she used to work in an inn. She knew what it smelled like. The door was ajar and there was a lot of noise coming from inside. So she decided to go an in and ask around. She pushed the door open when the odors inside made her want to go back out. But she needed answers so she pushed on.

The pub was full of lively people drinking, joking, singing. But they all had funny clothes. She had never seen such fashion before. Then at a quick glance she realized that there were only men in there. And they had something in common, she couldn’t put her finger on it, but therewas something about them….

Then she saw the strangest thing: there was this box with moving images. Wait, there were small people inside it and they were talking. How the hell were people inside a square box looking alive, speaking and acting all normal? She went behind it to see if there were more there or something. She was wondering how nobody seemed to care that there were small people trapped in there. She approached the TV and tried to get the people out, but of course she couldn’t.

“What’s wrong with you?” said a man right next to her.