Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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just as impressive. She saw a girl walking a dog towards her and decided to find out more about the fascinating place she was in. Or fascinating time. Or both. Or whatever.

“Hi, miss.” Said Sam as she started petting the girl's dog. It was a big breed. Not scary though. She had never seen a dog like that before but it was just a dog, right? And she was good with animals. She wasn’t afraid of any dogs.

“Hi” came the coy reply from the little miss. “My dog seems to like you. She doesn’t like just anyone. You must be special” the girl was saying as Sam was still petting the huge CaneCorso.

“I’m Sam” and she shook hands with the girl.

“I’m Natalie. Nice to meet you. And this is Sasha” Natalie said pointing to the dog.

Before Sam got the chance to say anything else, Natalie went on. “Your clothes are kind of funny. Are you working at the theater?”

“The theater!? No, they are my clothes. What’s so funny about them?”

“They look old and ragged and outdated. You could use some new clothes. My parents might help you.” Said Natalie mistaking Sam for a beggar. Just then a middle-aged man called Natalie's name while approaching them.

“Who’s your friend, Nat?” Asked the man when he got next to them. “Dad, this is Sam. Sam, dad.”

“Hi there, Sam. I'm Mike. Where are you from, Sam?”

“Daaad, leave her alone. Could you stop acting like a cop for a minute? You are embarrassing me.” Said Natalie faking to be upset.