Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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“Cool!!” said Nat jumping with joy as she had no friends besides her dog Sasha and well, Sasha couldn’t answer back.

Natalie and Sam went ahead, Sam following Natalie, while Mike was right behind them. He took out his phone to call Diana, his wife. He started talking to her on the phone, explaining that Nat was bringing a friend over for lunch and asking her to prepare one more dish. Sam heard Mike talking and wondered who he was talking to as there was nobody there besides Natalie and her. And she had clearly heard Mike addressing his wife. She turned around just in time to see Mike talking in a small device and she heard a distant voice, a woman's voice, coming from inside. She just stood there, looking at him and wondering how was a woman inside such a small box or whatever that was. Last night she had seen people moving and talking in a larger box but this was too much.

“What is that?” Sam finally asked.

“What? This?” said Mike while he handed her the phone, while studying her expression and reaction just as hard as she was studying the device in her palms.

“Don’t tell me you've never seen a phone before….” Said Mike in disbelief.

“To tell you the truth, sir, I have never seen most of the things I see before. Like those fast monsters going down the….! Oh my god! Look, more monsters and they have people inside them!! Help!! Last night they had no people in them, must have starved and now look, Mike, Nat, they have people inside!!” Said Sam before she fainted.

When she woke up she was on a cozy bed and Nat and Sasha were by her side. The door to the room was ajar and she could hear Mike talking to a woman who was probably his wife.