Sam by Alina Udrea - HTML preview

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Sam had been lucky to meet the Johnsons and she was grateful.

They had given her shelter and food and clothes. They were so nice to her. And Nat, she really liked the girl. She was only 3 years younger than herself. And she liked Sasha, too, the family dog, and the feeling seemed to be mutual as Sasha also liked her.

The two girls became very close, like sisters. And Nat wanted to know as much about Sam's world as Sam wanted to know about Nat's.

Although Sam wondered what could be so interesting about the life she was forced to leave behind. There was no technology back then but even so Nat seemed to enjoy her stories. Truth be told, the life she left behind had been more calm than what she saw now. Her greatest worry had been to please Eleanor and Carla which meant to clean and cook and nothing more. But these people had so much more going on. And she was just discovering it all.

Life with the Johnsons was good. But still she couldn’t just live like that and just accept their charity. She had to get a job and make her own money. Now that she was dressed properly she looked just like an ordinary girl of the 21st century. She really needed a job so she wouldn’t feel like she was a burden to them. She wanted to repay their kindness somehow. So one day she went to a local bar to become a waitress as she thought it couldn’t be that difficult. The owner, Mr. Stevenson, was a young man in his early 30s who seemed eager to hire her. So she started work next morning. There were two more waitresses working in the bar who were also her age, Tina and Ann. They seemed nice at first.

Meanwhile Mike had looked for any information he could find on Sam in the police data base, just to make sure. Of course he found