Short Stories by Raquel Couto Antelo - HTML preview

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Diana the hunter


Mummy always let me go out to play. She doesn’t say anything, just smiles. She doesn’t talk too much, well, she really can’t. She only talks her funny ways, I can hardly teach her. And even so, she is great. Today we will go to the aquarium. We go there very often, across the mountain. It’s very easy go down and the carer never tells us off.

I don’t like rain; I don’t like it at all. Water is terrifying, when mum wants to bath me I always try to run away but, in the end, she persuades me. When it’s raining I go up stairs to play with my neighbours, they are little but fantastic. We play run and catching and, although they cheat all the time, I always win.

Once in the street we go along Cervantes street to Hércules Avenue and then, then comes the real difficult thing, cross the promenade. We are big, tall, yes we are, but they don’t see us. They drive too fast. One day, mum got the fright of her life; she was on her daily walk in the promenade. I’d forgot to ask for permission, I crossed; she tried to warn me her way, she can’t say my name. I run and... she didn’t shout at me. She never tells me off even though sometimes...

I rather go late, everything is quiet and mum doesn’t have to wait for me to have dinner. The carer makes as we were not there, he keeps on working. I like seals; we always go to see them. They like water and the true is that it seems so enjoyable watching them swim, dive, play with the ball...

We amuse people, they take photos; mum has a lot of pictures of me and sometimes, when she has nothing to do, comes behind me to watch if I’m playing pranks.

- So you are Diana – tells me the visitor while stroking me – you might be a good hunter ¿aren’t you?

- That was what I thought, but one day I went up stairs and there she was, playing with the mice – mummy said laughing.