Sins of the Father by Mark Stephen O'Neal - HTML preview

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Chapter 3



Jalen trailed Lisa to the apartment complex right off 159th and Paxton Avenue, and they parked their cars near the front entrance of her place. She grabbed her flowers from the back seat, and they walked about fifty yards to the front door of the apartment before he planted a soft and sensual kiss on her that lasted about a minute.

“Careful, baby,” she said. “If you keep that up, we won’t get a chance to have that nightcap.”

“I’ve been wanting to kiss you for the longest time,” he said.

“Was it as good as you’d hoped it would be?”

“Yes, it most definitely was.”

She turned the key in the door and said, “Make yourself at home while I pour us some wine.”

He sat on her living room sofa and said, “You have a very nice place.”

“Thank you.”

She placed the flowers in a vase with some water, and then she poured two glasses of red wine before coming into the living room and sitting next to him.

“Here,” she said.


“So, tell me more about yourself, Jalen.”

“Well, my last name is Townsend. We never told each other our full names.”

“And my last name is Sosa.”

“Are you Puerto Rican?”

“No, my grandparents were from the Dominican Republic, and they moved to Chicago in the Humboldt Park neighborhood. Once I was born, my mom moved farther south.”

“Why did your mom move from Humboldt Park?”

“She was offered more money as a nurse at the Franciscan Hospital in Hammond.”

“So, why did you move to Calumet City?”

“I moved over here out of convenience because I didn’t have a car at first, and my previous job was a salesclerk at JC Penney in the River Oaks Mall.”

“I see.”

Lisa sighed and asked, “Where do you see this going, Jalen?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know that we’re getting to know each other, but do you see a future with a girl like me?”

“Absolutely, Lisa. I wouldn’t have stepped to you if I didn’t.”

“I don’t know…you seem like you might be a playa. Why did it take you so long to say something to me besides hello?”

“I’m a little shy, I guess.”

“Um hum. I bet you have all the girls fighting over you.”

“Believe it or not, I don’t get out much other than occasionally hanging out with my friends at a sports bar or going to the gym.”

“Who was your previous girlfriend?”

“Her name was Kenya Terrell, and we were college sweethearts.”

“What happened to her?”

“She died in a car crash on her way back to NIU in the fall of our senior year.”

“I’m so sorry, Jalen…”

“It’s okay. I was completely devastated, and it took me a long time to get over her death. However, I’m in a good place now.”

“And you haven’t been with anyone since then?”

“Just a few dates, but nothing serious. What about you?”

“I was engaged once a few years ago. His name is Corey Smith.”

“Why did you two break up?”

“He played college ball at Purdue, and we broke up once he went overseas to play professionally.”

“You didn’t want to go with him?”

“No, I didn’t want to leave the United States.”

“Do you regret breaking up with him?”

“No, it wasn’t meant to be. He ended up marrying a Spanish girl from Barcelona.”

Lisa paused briefly and asked, “Do you want some more wine?”

“Yes, thank you,” Jalen answered.

She went to the kitchen and filled up both glasses with wine, and she handed him his glass before snuggling up with him. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek before he said, “I’m really enjoying getting to know you, Lisa. I don’t want the night to end.”

“I’m enjoying your company, too, but we’re not having sex tonight.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply anything…”

“I know, but I want to be crystal clear that I’m not that type of girl.”

“Duly noted.”

She took a breath and asked, “What do you have planned for the weekend?”

“Nothing spectacular…I have a ton of laundry to do, and I promised my dad that I’d come to church on Sunday.”

“Church, huh?”

“Yeah,” he sighed, “my dad is a pastor at a church in Hazel Crest.”

“You don’t sound too enthusiastic about it.”

“I’m not, but a promise is a promise.”

“Why did you stop attending church?”

“Let’s just say that the recent events that happened in my life have tested my faith in God.”

“You still believe in God, don’t you?”

“Yes, but I’m having trouble staying focused, I suppose.”

He sighed and asked, “What about you? Do you attend church somewhere?”

“My family is Catholic, but I haven’t been to mass since I’ve been on my own.”

“I’ve been to a few masses, and I fought to stay awake at every single one of them.”

“I hear you…mass can be a bit boring.”

She then put her wine glass down on the table and began kissing him passionately. He placed his glass on the table and put his arms around her waist before she eased her body on top of his. Their kisses became deeper and more sexual, and his nature began to rise. He let go of his embrace after she motioned to get up.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing, baby,” she said reassuringly. “I was into it, too, but I want to take things slow.”

“Maybe I should go…”

“No, please don’t go. We can snuggle up to each other in my bed.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, and I promise I’ll be worth the wait.”