Stories for Children by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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The paper dinosaur.                                                        Copy-write P. Audcent 2014

Chloe adjusted the A4 sheet of paper her Mummy had pulled from the large computer printer. “Now” said Mummy, “ Instead of using the computer to draw out a dinosaur I want you you to draw one with this pencil, can you do that for me please.” Chloe nodded her head then first stopped to think of what type she would draw, but nothing seemed to go into her mind so she tapped her pencil sharply on the table and there it was in her head as bright and clear as you could see. So she drew the paper before her and started to draw. First the big large body then the large tail which touched the ground behind the two massive legs. She had taken well over an hour of concentration but alas found there was no room on the paper to draw the head.

“I know” she said “ I will add another piece of paper to the edge and get mummy to tape them together.”

Now Chloe wanted to go out to play on the new swing their parents had bought  recently, so she picked up the drawing and found the tape Mummy had used. She tore off  a small strip and ran into her bedroom and attached it to the rear of the door, then she hurtled out to play in the garden with her big sister Ruth.

They swung on the new swing for ages until their father called them in for tea so the drawing was completely forgotten until they went to bed. Now Ruth noticed the missing head and she mentioned this to Chloe who explained the lack of one but she was going to draw one tomorrow.

Well the girls sleep well until the morning sun awakened them and both got dressed

quickly as they wanted another go on the swing before breakfast, but Ruth suddenly stopped in her tracks when she came to open the door. “Oh Chloe you've done one already how clever and you didn't even wake me when you drew this.”

Chloe looked carefully at the drawing and shook her head. “No Ruth it was not me, look I believe its far better drawn than I could do, maybe Dad or Mummy crept in last night to finish it.”

So over breakfast they asked their parents about the drawing but both denied adding the head so Dad went into the bedroom and studied the drawing carefully. “I thought you said it was on two pieces of A4 paper, in fact your drawing is all on one piece of the larger A3!”

Then Ruth had a brilliant idea and called upstairs to her elder brother James to come down stairs. Now James had arrived home four days ago from his boarding school and shortly arrived amongst them. “You've been copying Chloe's dinosaur to scare her haven't you?”

James nodded and blushed.

“Well” said Mummy, “You can paint the big one and the girls can do the the one that Chloe drew, but where did you put it James?”

James walked over to the pantry door and felt inside. “Here it is and you all thought it was magic that the dinosaur had increased in size! But still I will paint in the big one and here is Chloe's, perhaps to crayon in.”

So Chloe ended up with two lovely dinosaur paintings. Her Father framed hers for her to remember and placed it on the wall in her bedroom.  They hung James picture up in the lounge room as they all decided it was truly a most wonderful painting.----