Stories for Children by Paul Audcent - HTML preview

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Twas nearly too late my friend.                                        Copy-write   P. Audcent 2014

Toby sat in a daze, her best friend Jean had rung to tell her they were going away on holiday, for a very long holiday overseas and would not be back for a very long time.

Jean was Toby's very best friend in all the world and she knew she would miss her terribly. Well a week or two would be fine, but it sounded as if it could be months, in fact the whole of the summer holidays apart from Jean. It was too much to bear, even though they could write to one another to keep in touch. Plus there was all those social apps they could use to keep in touch as well.

So she had a brilliant idea, she would ask her Mother and Father tonight if she could go with Jeans family, before she asked Jean, she would just check if Mum and Dad could afford to send her before she asked Jeans family. It was getting so complicated but at least she must try, to be without her very best closest friend for several months was beyond anything she had ever suffered.

So she spoke to her parents but because they had a large mortgage to pay they were unable to fund her trip so she retired to her bedroom disheartened. They tried to cheer her up by making a special dinner and a promise to go to see the new children's film due out the following week, but nothing seemed to help. It was when next she went to school and everybody noticed how sullen she had become, even Jean was worried, but it took just one conversation with Nathan, Jeans next door neighbour, at lunch break and soon Toby was smiling once again. Now Jean was very interested to know how Nathan had converted Toby from a dismal saddened state to a complete change. One apparently that showed Toby had not a care in the world. 

'I'm not saying a word Jean but I do want you to have a terrific holiday and I am so pleased for you, I really am, and yes we won't be far away as I will contact every day by our social app, that's if your Mum and Dad will allow you to use it, I know it can be expensive.'

'I'll ask them tonight. We hear of such horrific stories about huge bills being charged against children who use roaming so I think it best that we just use emails instead.'

'Well' said Toby ' It was what Nathan suggested that really made me think. He first asked if I truly wanted to ruin your holiday, and I said absolutely no, so then he said why don't I and Jean write a daily diary and forward it via email! Well again I thought what a brilliant idea and I could read yours over and over again and it will just like having you at home, plus the fact I can enjoy all the wonderful things you will get on your adventure and I can tell you all that goes on here to keep you informed.'

'Brilliant.' said Jean 'What's more I can forward small pictures with the email so you can see what we are discussing as I really would like your comments and this way we can keep up a belated conversation, how about it!'

'Done', said Toby,'Oh Jean I am now quite excited by it all, so I will ask Dad if I can use his computer every day but I expect he will say “Yes Dear but after your homework is finished.”

They both roared with laughter.


Many years ago I wrote a diary piece for my brothers and sister on a day in my life so here it is discovered by my brother David for all parents to enjoy so its not just children's stories here!

Copy-right the Audcent family.