Stories for in the Campfire
by: Ronaldo Siète
I dedicate this book to all the good writers and readers of the Wattpad-community because if they’re not going to read it, who will?
Polderdam, 1 February 2017
Isbn: 978-94-92389-03-9
Editorial Perdido
Author’s right: © 2016 by Ronaldo Siète
Author’s right for cover design: © 2016 by Ronaldo Siète
This is a shareware book. You have permission to download it, to have it, to print it, to copy it, to read it, to send it to others and to use the texts in it, free of charges or costs. You can do almost anything with this book-file and its texts, except making money with it because that is the right of the author who wrote the texts. When you have finished this book and you liked it, it would be nice if you would send me, the author, your thanks, for instance by transferring 1 (one) euro to bank account NL98 INGB 0002 9292 08 (ING bank, SWIFT: INGBNL2A) of Ronaldo Siete, stating the title of the book, or by forwarding this book to all your friends and giving it a little bit of (free) publicity, or by just sending an email with “thanks” to ronaldo7.rs7@gmail.com.
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This is a work of fiction. All events and all characters (except one) are invented products from a dirty literary mind. Who’s the exception? Not Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie or Cristiano Ronaldo: they are too good to be true, so they must be fiction. No, President Whatshisname neither, because it is pure fiction to believe that all those intelligent people can make such a big mistake. The only real character in this story is Santa Claus because we all know that he exists. Who else puts all those presents in your socks at night? The taxman?