If you only read one book in your life: read “Happiness Now” by Andrew Matthews. If you want to read another book: read “Stories for in the Campfire” by @Ronaldo7Siete.
- It is dedicated to you, and to all the other writers and readers of the Wattpad community, with an exclusive pre-release at Wattpad before the book goes to the shops.
- It will make you laugh. Ronaldo7 is the funniest writer in Dutch literary history.
- It is full of tips to help you become a better writer.
- You will find out about the secret of the Dutch, a secret so secret that until now you never knew it existed.
- It will explain how to make money with your writing.
- It has a great plot, perhaps even the best plot since 1321.
- And all this is for free, ¥€$ 0,00, gratis, 100% discount with money-back-guarantee if you don’t like the book.
You can’t get a better offer.
What do you say? Do you also want free education, jobs for everyone and world peace too? Did President Whatshisname give that to you after you voted him? Aren’t you ever satisfied? Sorry. You’re the reader. As a writer I should do everything I can to please you, so if you read the book, I’ll add the jobs and the free education and the world peace, and a happy end for everyone too. Okay?