Story Of Amrapali by Raghunathan T.K - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

King Bimbisara of Magadha had heard about Amba from many travellers and scholars. He sent a messenger to Vaishali expressing his wish to meet with AmraPali. When the nobles received the message, they were very much concerned because Bimbisara was a powerful and very ambitious king. He had attempted to take control of Vaishali and all his attempts were thwarted by the loyal citizens of Vaishali led by very committed nobles. So they felt this could be a ruse to take over their city. Also they did not want Amba to be exposed to the Magadha king..Amba appreciated all their concerns and agreed to go by whatever decision taken by the nobles of the city. At the same time she advised  them not to disregard any opportunity to establish friendly relations with Magadha kingdom. An outright no would make the king angry. So after great deliberations they decided to send  a reply which read ”If you wish to enter Vaishali as a friend and noble man , it will be a pleasure for us to arrange for a meeting with our precious jewel AmraPaali. On the other if you have any designs or vested interest to take her away from Vaishali , we have to firmly say no to your visit.”  Bimbisara, the arrogant monarch he was ,roared with laughter when he heard of the response, ”look at their cheekiness .You would get the impression Magadha is a weak and vaishali is manned by giants. I shall visit  Vaishali as a conqueror and not as an admirer

Certain things are easier said than done. He mobilised his army and deployed against Vaishali in a show of strength..There was a celebration going on at Amba’s house when message came through that the massive Magadha army was marching towards the borders of Vaishali .Amba stopped her recital midway and began to help the nobles to organise the defences. She moved among the young soldiers and told them, It is our duty to protect our land. While killing is bad, remaining passive in the face of aggression is nothing short of cowardice. My Vaishali is not a land of cowards. Fight with an intensity that will deter further aggression..Her words inspired the soldiers who routed the on coming Magadha army stopping them on their tracks.

Bimbisara had not committed his elite forces as this was merely an exercise in sabre rattling and to assess the capability of the defenders. He stopped the advance and decided to enter Vaishali alone in disguise. Amrapali warned the soldiers that one should not be fooled by enemy’s strategy. The halt of the army may be a play to cover some other design.” Be vigilant was her advise.

Bimbisara dressed as a scholar turned trader and made his way to AmraPali’s abode by making proper enquiries . His disguise was masterly and no one recognised the king. When he entered the garden , she was inside the house tuning a veena. She saw a particularly handsome young man walking towards her , holding a bunch of colourful and aromatic flowers. He saw her put the veena down and stand up  to welcome him. She smiled at him. He was really a very charming person. He looked like a soldier but his face had the shine of a learned man. She said softly ”welcome to Amba’s place, stranger. May your arrival bring happiness to the fair city Of Vaishali”

Bimbisara was glad that his disguise was holding. He said reciprocating her greetings, ”I am a trader from Magadha kingdom. Can I rest here for a few days.”

You are welcome. We will try to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

“You were playing the veena when I came in. I am sorry I interrupted your sadhana”

Oh , it was not a sadhana. I was just trying to tune it. You see , it is a new equipment, that arrived only recently. A nobleman presented it to me. Do you know anything about Veenas?

“Yes .In fact I know a great deal. Actually , I can say proudly this particular Veena was made very close to my home in the capital of Magadha kingdom.’

Is that so? Now tell me what does a veena represent

“It is the ultimate musical equipment ever designed by man. He has produced something that can almost reach human voice. I can give you a great deal of information about the physical attributes of the equipment. The type of strings to be used and  the limits of tension. How the bridges are aligned etc. But the most appealing aspect of the instrument is the harmony of tunes you can produce. The strings of Veena are like the people in the hands of a real leader, a visionary. You deal with people well, they will do wonders .In the same way you deal well with strings, they will produce most inspiring tunes. You mess with people , they will bring you disaster. The strings also are same. When you play foul, it produces discordant notes capable of ruining your reputation.’

My,  I don’t think about such aspects of Veena. For me Veena represents Knowledge. Goddess Saraswathy is always  visualised with  veena in her hand. For me it is an instrument of love and compassion. You handle it with love and care ,it brings harmony to your life. When I tune Veena it is as though I tune myself.

‘What a lovely concept. Can You play it  for me, please?’

She sat down and plucked at the strings, the primary notes jumped in their sequences , bounced off the walls filling the room with its magical sound. The ups and downs of the tune seemed to be naturally blending in a meaningful Way as per the lyrics. He was impressed .It was a great exhibition on a rare verse on Saraswathi about which he was aware.

He sat behind her, putting his hands around her to reach the instrument to guide her hand movement for making an improvement, which surprised her. The brief contact with her body seemed to electrify her. She allowed him to complete the verse. She was impressed with the fact that he could play the Veena so expertly and  that he knew the verse also. He said

‘That was a composition by sage Agasthya’ he said  with a smile

Who told you that , she asked, with genuine curiosity

Agasthya himself ,’ he said seriously and they burst into laughter. She clapped her hands appreciatively and said  ”you are uniquely gifted for a trader”

“I said , a scholar turned trader. I found very soon that my knowledge was not sufficient to feed a huge family.”

He stayed in her house for a few days and every day she discovered something new in him that excited her. If one day he displayed vast knowledge of music, next day he surprised her with a long lecture on religious philosophy and education. He knew all about Nalandha and its great library. Then she heard him mention Buddha. She said, ”you know Buddha? have you really met him in person? How does he look? I have heard people say some great things about him. I wish to meet him. Please tell me about him and his views on current state of religion.”

Amra Pali, I am surprised you are so keen to know about him. Yes I know him rather intimately. He has been my advisor, a well wisher and a good friend. Would you believe me if I say that on my request he will come here and meet you  

“No I wont believe he will ever want to come and meet with me. He won’t have any time for people like me. Tell me, please, what  are his views about life?”

Oh, there is nothing complicated about his views of life. In fact they are very simple. That is why people are impressed by him.

‘what does he advocate?”

He is against all dogmas and rituals. He looks at all people in the same way with out any distinction. For him a King and a  Pauper are subject to very similar type of problems. According to him the problems faced by men have no relation to social standing. King and poor man fall sick in the same manner, feel the pain in the same way and are keen on seeking solution to their problems. with same intensity. Are you surprised?

No, not at all. I also believe that every one is same and life situation may vary but problems are similar , so solutions could be similar.

Tell me, according to Him, how the present life can be enjoyed with out feeling of guilt.

That is a tough one. Answering that would  take long time. As I can’t answer that, I will request Buddha to take you on that.

‘Can you really tell Buddha to meet me?

Yes, most definitely, I can.

How nice it would be, if it can happen .

If you really want , it can happen.

The days went by. One day he told Amba  ’ I think,  I have over stayed. It is time I moved along.’

Yes. You have spent a good amount of time here. I was wondering whether, you have forgotten your basic profession. I did not ask because, i thought it would not be too polite.

Yes, I must return to my work. I have spent so much time with you that I can’t imagine a life with out you.  Will you come with me to my house in Magadha. I promise I will take good care of you.

No. I can’t leave Vaishali. I have a duty towards the people of Vaishali

What will you do if my king Bimbisara decides to take over Vaishali?

He can not. I will stop him. He has already tried once. Our soldiers and nobles made sure that his efforts to invade our country failed. I do not like war. It results in loss of precious young lives. Bimbisara would like to be remembered as a king who loved people and not as one who enjoyed subjugating  people to his whims and fancy.

She said it with so much emotion  and conviction that he was staggered. He reminded himself how lucky he was that his disguise had lasted this long. He said , ‘So Amrapali, you would not come with me to Magadha, even if I offer to place entire Magadha at your feet.?

You are very right. I belong here. I have no use of Magadha. It was nice knowing you. When do you wish to leave?

Right away, if you will permit me.

Amrapali, thought for some time. This gentleman was definitely very different from so many other young people she had entertained in the past. He was leaving for good. Why was she feeling sad about his departure, She asked herself. She realised she did not know his name also. She said ” I never got to know your name. You were very nice to me, taught me many new things. I would like to remember you. Can you give me your name?”

You may not like to hear the name, dear.

Why NOT?.Rose by any name smells the same. you are a good man. Your name will be nice which ever way it is pronounced..

I was not referring to pronounciation. I am not afraid to utter my name. Still I feel you would be better off not knowing my name.

Why all this build up. It is just a name. Come on .Out with it. She commanded

Don’t say I did not warn you.

Yes, yes, the name please.


She took it easily. What she had heard about Bimbisara was that he was an arrogant , ambitious  and cruel king. But here he is , so lovable, kind, well informed human being.

She made a face. He kept one hand over his heart, waiting for her to explode

Is it true that you are a friend of Buddha?

Yes ,all that I said about my relationship with Him are true.

And He allowed you to wage a war against Vaishali. Then He may not be a person   I would ever want to meet.

No, please do not put the blame on him. I wanted Vaishali in my palm. I wanted Amrapali in my arms, close to my heart. I came here with his permission to try and take you away , peacefully. He warned me I would fail

You defeated me so easily with your concern and commitment towards this place

I will leave you now  in peace.

He walked away quickly. Her heart cried out to him to stop, but she maintained stony silence.