Story Of Amrapali by Raghunathan T.K - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

Bimbisara was offered a high seat in the ashram and a senior monk attended on him while others rushed inside the ashram to inform the master that the king had come to see him. Budhdha came to receive the king with pleasing words of welcome and enquiries about his kingdom. He did not ask what happened to his plans to conquer Vaishali.

Bimbisara answered politely, ”Even though you advised me against moving the army towards Vaishali, I acted because there was a keen desire in my heart to bring Amra Pali to Magadha where she would have a greater platform to carry on her good work. But the soldiers of Vaishali thwarted all my efforts. You know from  where they got the strength and inspiration to fight. There is a great lady there, Amrapali , the people of Vaishali would not give her away. She belonged to them. What a fantastic person to receive such an adoration. Master , I have a feeling that if these people have to choose between you and Amrapali , you would lose.”

“Is that so “, said Budhdha with a smile.”Did you meet her?”

Yes. I entered Vaishali dressed like an affluent trader. Nobody recognised me. I went to her place and spent a few very memorable days with her.

“What is so special about her, what is that you like so much about her?”

She is so unselfish. She lives for the people of Vaishali. She says her role in life is to spread the word of love among every one. She finds time for children , housewives and men. She is so well  gifted physically and intellectually. She is a singer and dancer extra ordinary.

You fell in love with her

Yes, I am not at all ashamed to say yes. I  also believe she reciprocated spontaneously.. But when it came to moving over to Magadha she simply said no .Her love for that town beats every thing else, including the love of a king.

‘Did  she know you were the king.?

NO , NOT TILL THE DAY  I LEFT HER..I had to tell her JUST WHEN I was leaving.

How did she react?

That is the point. It did not mean anything to her. She did not react violently. I think she was extremely sad. I  had told her that you are my friend and that on my request , you would meet her. So when I mentioned who I was, she was surprised asking herself how any of Budhdha’s friend could ever want to wage a war for sake of a simple woman.

My pride was crushed by her words. I had to bow in front of her simple love for her people. I bow to you also , but when i say these words about her , I think I place her one level higher.

Are you repenting meeting her?

No why should I repent> On the other hand she was the best thing that happened to me. She achieved what even you could not achieve. She stopped me from waging a war.

There is a difference. You treated me as a friend while you treated her as a beloved. I think there is a significant difference in the two relationship. One is closer physically while other is closer to the heart.

She did not reciprocate my love. How can you say I was close to her heart?

She allowed you to go.

Buddha was silent for some time. Then he said, ”I am glad she made such a powerful impression in your mind. You gave up a war for her sake. You swallowed bitter pill of defeat for her sake. You would not hurt her by hurting people  she loved. She is definitely several rungs above me.”

Would you go and meet her?

Why , do you want me to tell her to accept your offer and become queen of Magadha?

No, I am sure she will not accept my offer any time..I thought you will learn some thing from her in your quest for solutions to human miseries.

Buddha laughed like a child ’Sure , i will go and meet if she will bring me closer to the solution I am seeking.

No, I don’t want you to visit go to Vaishali.She on her own wwill meet you.