Switched by Somya Bajaj - HTML preview

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5 Years Later

Sarah entered the room of her Best Friend – Rachael Donahue. “Thank God! You’re here, Sarah. We have to go shopping today. I don’t have any dress to wear on my 18th birthday party and we’ll buy something for you too. You can’t wear that old dress of yours on my party.”“Stop! Donahue Express. Take a breath at least .First of all, Happy Birthday Rachael, this is the only memory I have of my aunt. I always wear it on the day she disappeared. You know that.” “Sorry!”Rachael apologized. “It’s okay. Rachael and Sarah hugged each other. “Remember, how shy you were when we met for the first time?” Sarah said. “Yeah. You know you look like my mom now and I look like yours. Maybe we were switched at birth like Bay and Daphne of Switched at Birth. Love that show. ” Rachael. “ Ha-ha! Not possible.”














Rachael’s Birthday Party

They went shopping and when they came back, it was time to get dressed for the party. Rachael was dressed in a DKNY limited edition dress. She had a diamond tiara on her head. Sarah on the other hand was dressed in a simple pink dress which her Aunt Nora had stitched. She looked beautiful. The party started. All the Royal Families were invited. The dance began. Rachael went to join her family. Sarah waited for Rachael to come. A boy dressed in a black suit came and said “Hey! I am Jack Potter, prince of Might land.”  “Hey, I’m Sarah Walker.” He shook her hand. “So Ms. Sarah, would you like to dance?” He asked. “Sure.” Sarah replied and so it continued, Sarah made a new friend. “How do you know Rachael?” Sarah asked him later that night. “Who is Rachael?”He asked looking puzzled. “Rachael is the Donahue princess .It is her 18th Birthday today.” “When is your birthday?” he asked. “Well actually, Rachael and I were born on the same day. So, it is my 18th Birthday too.” “Well Happy Birthday, Sarah.” “Thank you” Soon the party ended. It was time to go home.




Sarah is in love.

Happy Belated Birthday Sarah. I found your address from your friend HRH Rachael Donahue. I hope you don’t mind. Ms Rachael told me everything, Sarah and I don’t care whether you’re a princess or not.

-         Jack McIntyre



Sarah woke up in the morning and found a bouquet of flowers near her bed. There was a note attached which said


















She smiled to herself. Even though she had met him a night ago, she was deeply in love with him.







Sarah gets a big surprise.

Sarah stood near the mirror. She was wearing the dress Jack had sent for her. She couldn’t believe that a prince like Jack Potter would accept her the way she was. But it was true. He loved her. She had been excited by the idea of her first date. They were going for a dinner. Sarah was very happy today. So happy, that she didn’t even pay attention to what was going on around her. She didn’t even feel the wrath of the person who was standing behind her, the person who wanted her to die .When she was going down the stairs, somebody pushed her , she hit her head on the corner of the wooden staircase. She called for help but nobody came. She tried to see who pushed her and she saw a face very similar but it was not to help her but to kill her.  That person whispered something into her ear. Now, she understood …………………. Everything. She drifted away to unconsciousness.


Sarah’s Last Chance

Sarah lay on the bed. She was still unconscious. Jack sat on the corner of the bed, holding her hand, waiting for her to wake up. Sarah tightened her grip on his hand. His eyes glowed with a sign of hope. He went to call the doctor. When the doctor came, he saw that Sarah had already lost a lot of blood. She needed more but the Blood Bank didn’t have the blood she needed. He told Jack. Jack tried to call everybody he knew, trying to find somebody with O negative blood group. Only Stella Donahue’s blood group matched to Sarah’s .Stella agreed to donate her blood .She came to the hospital and gave her blood. While she was leaving, the doctor stopped her and said “Congratulations, ma’am. Now we can save your daughter.” “Great! But she is not my daughter.”

“Ma’am we are sorry but we did a compulsory DNA check which proved that Ms. Sarah is your biological daughter.” Stella was shocked. She wanted answers and she wanted them quickly. There was only one person which had touched her daughter before the party- Nancy Martin. She sent her officials to search for Nancy. After 3 hours, she received a phone call. “Your Highness, we have found her at last.”








Old Nancy’s Confession

“Fine! I’ll confess.” Nancy said after hours of being beaten by the officials. Everybody stood in the room- Stella, Jack and Nora.

“I exchanged Baby Princess with my niece when I was asked to bring her. Sarah is your real daughter. Rachael is my niece.”Nora said. “How could you do that, Nancy? What did my daughter do to you?”Stella asked. “Your daughter was beautiful .She could make any prince fall in love with her without even knowing she was a princess. Nobody deserves a perfect life like that. Not even your daughter. I did everything to give your daughter a horrible life and she was living one but this Prince had to step in. It was essential to kill her. So, I came back and pushed her from the stairs .What a relief it was!”Nancy said happily. “You pushed Sarah from the stairs?”Jack asked. “Yes, I did and I am proud of it.” Nancy replied. “You shall be hanged until death.” Stella cried. Nancy was imprisoned. Stella returned to the hospital and brushed Sarah’s hair. “What will happen to Rachael, Aunt Stella?” Jack asked. “Rachael is my daughter too. Sarah and Rachael will be sisters now.”Stella replied. When Sarah woke up after a deep sleep, she found Jack proposing to her. She accepted it. She is content now and lives peacefully in Might land with her Prince. Rachael got married to the Dowager Prince and often came to visit Sarah with her family. Nancy was releases after 6 years of imprisonment .They all lived together peacefully.





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