The Arranged Marriage by Christina Sophie - HTML preview

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My wedding night was not an easy one. As soon after me and Cygmous

consummated our marriage we began to talk.

“Your daughter Isabella, who is she?” l asked him.

“Yours and mine” he said smiling a warm smile at me. He was very nice l thought,

he was very gentle with me as we were making love. Hopefully there would be

more of that, l was glad that l didn’t have to spend my wedding night being a

virgin if he had chosen not to take me l would have been disappointed. Of course

Isabella wasn’t mine, she was Adriela’s and Cygmous’ or Eric. Eric and queen

Adriela had three children Silvia, Alexander, and Mary. Alexander was the natural

heir to the throne, he would of course have to be turned into a black blooded

immortal to assume the throne of Heartfield.

“She’s Adrielas baby not mine” l reminded him.

He scoffed at this and said. “News must travel quickly around town, you obviously

have your doubts about me” l cut him off.

“l don’t have my doubts about you, we’ve only just met and my doubts might

come later” l said.

“Whatever princess, l don’t care about you, not yet anyway”