Rye Dano lives and breathes in Tokyo, Japan. When not writing, the author masquerades as an actor, filmmaker, designer, photographer, and sometimes teacher, all of which he loves doing but with as little effort as possible.
Rye is currently finishing-up an independent feature film on which countless hours, days, months, and years have been spent 'finishing-up.' Much of the rest of the time is spent on riding motorcycles, hiking through the Japanese mountains and forests - some haunted - drinking enormous amounts of green tea, and working in media.
Hoping to one day reach the level of being relentlessly pursued by a stalwart investigator obsessed with his capture, Rye is content with simply being hounded by a local chapter of the Ladies Flower Arrangement Society.
If you liked this story, you may enjoy reading Night Vision and The Carrion Trap.This title The Backup and other Rye Dano books can be found online at at Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble online.