The Carousel and Other Short Stories by Sharon Haste - HTML preview

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Thank you to the following people for their inspiration, awesome ideas and valued opinions: my home team; Mark Ramjan, Aliah Haste, Tiana Haste, Brittany Haste and Jade Ramjan; my beta readers; Colleen Reid, Louise Page and Zita Moran; and my young ideas team; Jarrod Van Sambeek, Rebecca Spain, Georgina Myerscough, Anna Bergs, Amrah and Rani Vuillermin, Sage Walle, Grace Walton and Felicity Williams.

Thanks also to Sarah Fox (The Bookish Fox) for her editing genius and getting the most out of every story; and my cover designer, Ana Grigoriu at Book-Design, for her fabulous designs.

A version of my story Eleven Candles was first published in Stew and Sinkers - thirty award winning stories from the Stringybark Times Past Short Fiction Awards, 2013.

The biggest thanks to my readers. You are the reason I write!