The Infinite Doctrine: Vol. 1 (5 Short Stories) by Scott Donnelly - HTML preview

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It's late, and I am finally lying in bed. In the dark, with no worries the rest of the weekend. A long day at work, followed by dinner with the family, and watching my cousins' football game at the high school.  It was time to call it a night.  I'm sure I would be able to get to sleep with no help, but it was just normal for me to flip on the TV, and let lights in the dark room, and dull volume put me to sleep.  But, like I said.  That's normal.  I think I will try something different tonight.  Maybe pop on my headphones, and let some light alternative put me to sleep.  I grab my headphones from my nightstand, put them over my ears, and flip on my MP3 player.  Now it was time to relax.

The music has been playing for almost an hour.  My conscious fades in and out, and I see visions of dreams I could have had. The annoyingness of a repeated song, finally grabs my attention. I open my eyes, and touch a button on the MP3 player.  It illuminates in a blue fog, and when my eyes finally adjust, I see that I have accidentally hit the constant repeat button.

Disoriented from the fading in and out of dreams, I press another button, which I didn't really mean to press.  My settings screen comes up.

Come to think of it, I don't think I have ever messed with the settings.  What kind of settings could you possibly need for listening to synced music from your computer?  I fumble with the buttons for a moment, then I hear a voice.  Two voices actually. It's two women talking.

"We're going to do this now.  Just as instructed." the first woman said.  The second woman sounded a little younger in her voice, and replied with, "I understand.  How are we going to take this one?"

"We're just going to grab him, and leave.  One touch is all it takes."

I couldn't understand what I was hearing.  This wasn't one of the songs _ or anything _ I put on my MP3 player.  By now I was fully awake.  I yanked the headphones out of my ears, held down the off button on the player, and dropped them on the floor next to my bed.  I yawned, and then rolled over onto my side, and shut my eyes.  Silence was what I needed.

"Are you ready?"  The first woman said.  My eyes shot open, and I rolled over.  I began to feel slightly faint.  Who was talking?  It's late at night, all the lights are off in my house, and there should be no one else in here but me.  Intruders?

The second woman answered, "Almost.  I dread doing this. I hate doing this."

"I know you do.  None of us like it.  But it's what's got be done." "I know."

"Come on then, lets take him".

I looked at my closed door, where a bright light illuminated from beyond the other side of it.

"Oh God." I said, as I sat up in my bed.  I had all my focus on the door.  The light grew brighter and brighter.  I heard the women talking about.

"Just one touch.  Then we leave."


The door began to slightly.  I screamed out, "Get out! Or I'll call the police!"  I began feeling faint again _ that screaming seemed to take my breath away.  Were they leaking some kind of gas in the room or something?  What did they want?

The door opened more and more.  The light flooded in, and I finally saw the form of the two women.  Two beautiful women. Absolutely gorgeous.  They were both wearing white dresses. Though their beauty was that of angels, I was still afraid of what they had planned.  I felt dizzy, and as they were walking towards me, and reaching out for me, I closed my eyes and tightly held them shut.  I could still see the light on the other side of my eyelids.

"Grab him!"  One woman yelled.

"One touch! That's all it takes." the other woman said.

I felt one of their hands touch me on the shoulder, another on my chest.  My ears began ringing, and I heard a defining pop come from inside my head.

Everything was silent.  I opened my eyes back up, and looked down at myself, lying in bed.  I looked to my side and saw the two beautiful women, smiling at me.  I smiled back.  I was home.