The Judges Chronicles: A Night's Journey by Terdell Lee Johnson - HTML preview

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Chapter 19: The Great Sky Battle

Back at the mountainside, decisions were made of what to do next.

"Since we don’t have the support we had yesterday," replied Tion, " attacking Dranus’s lair will be harder than before."

"Right," came the snowy owl conclusively, " twenty-five against hundreds of bats is no match at all. We’ll be pummeled, demolished, obliterated."

"We get the point," said Astra, "Any suggestions then?"

"The best way, I think, is a quick drop off near the opening," said Tion, "five birds will carry our friends behind the flock. I’ll lead the others into battle. Once their inside the lair, we can keep the bats at bay."

Immediately five birds were chosen: Shilon the golden eagle would carry Ragel, Ruffletin would carry Peppi, Astra would be Gideon's carrier, Alenstred the Albatross would carry Samson; and despite the attempts of the bald eagle to dissuade Gabriel from riding in the front rank, Tion was to carry the black hare.

Northward was the direction given to Gabriel and the birds flew that way. The air was crisp as the birds of Brunehaven proceeded to the lair. Shilon, Alenstred, Ruffletin, and Astra flew in the rear of the formation. Gabriel and Tion were among the first rank.

During the flight Gabriel would glance at this sword given to him. He didn’t know how he would use it. He mused over the possibilities until Tion interrupted him.

"So what are you going to call it?"

"Huh, oh the sword? Technically its not mine. I don’t think Glory would like it very much

if I gave it a name.“

The formation flew on steady, coming closer to the castle. An osprey, who flew slightly ahead of the formation, returned to his leader. They were twenty miles from the lair.

"Are you ready Gabriel?," said Tion, "We shall be in sight soon."

"As much as I can be,” he said nervously.

In the deep of the opening, a slew of bats filled the crags and gaps of the rocky walls; each cringing from whatever sunlight could trickle downward. None of them knew what to call his new form of illumination, but all agreed that it was strange and

overwhelmingly awkward to be in. A bat, to his dismay, was sent to scout the skies.

Sampling the air with his nostrils, the creature received the result he was in search of.

Suddenly he returned to his leader.

“Birds!” he said, approaching Vamp “ Not far. They have the advantage: the moon is gone and this new light will give them victory."

" Silence," said Vamp, accosting his subordinate, " Rash speaking may be overheard by our Master. Ah, this light— I hate it,” he said shielding his eyes with his wing.

“They are close sir," said the bat returning to the subject, " no more than eight or nine miles away.”

"Closer than that,” Vamp said smelling the air, “They travel fast, which tells me they are few in number— the fools! Tion must have lost the confidence of some of his flock."

With a turn, Vamp rallied his legion from within the crags. He command them all to kill their targets, to be relentless in the kill, and above all to be quick to destroy the five travelers.

"What of the spiders, sir?" asked one bat.

Vamp looked further downward into the lair.

"They have their own orders; we stay with ours."

In a torrent of wings, the bats took to the skies. One, then two, and then hundreds emerged from the mouth of chasm. Within minutes the birds of Brunehaven saw the legion. It was like seeing a dark cloud of smoke drawing closer to them. Hearts were racing; and nerves where on end. The battle was at hand. For a moment, it was silent.

Gabriel no longer could hear the air passing around him or the potent flapping of the birds’ wings. It was horrible for Gabriel during that event: this was his first major battle and he wasn’t sure if it would be his last. A few comforting words from Gideon would have helped, but everyone was focused on the dark mass before them. Nonetheless, the meeting with Glory, renewed his strength, and he found the courage to raise the sword. It was slow motion for the black hare as the birds and bats, in hatred and strife, drew nearer still. Then, in the twinkle of an eye, the sound and speed returned; the battle was born.

Upon Gideon’s first view, the myriad of bats had devoured the birds instantly, but this was not to be. The birds were doing just fine against their attackers; most were performing spectacular acrobatic moves: diving at great speeds, turning with precision, and striking indiscriminately with their talons were just a few maneuvers the birds employed. Bats crashed into one another, fell from the sky in a dizzy swoon, or met their

doom by the talon or beak.

Gabriel momentarily lost sight of his friends through the carnage, but later he saw Astra and Gideon in a struggle against an attacker. Astra's elite flying provided some defense against the bats, but with every turn there was another bat assailing the falcon, ready to send her and Gideon to the ground below. One bat blazed across Gideon’s back with such proximity that he could feel the breath of the beast as he passed by. Suddenly from behind, Astra's right wing was clamped into the mouth of one of the flying brutes. The enemy forced the falcon to turn sideways, sending Gideon from her back into the open abyss. His cries were heard and Gabriel gave command to save him.

"Tion, quickly!"

The bald eagle flew through the onslaught of feathers and fur, keeping sights on the falling hare. With a sudden jolt Gideon found himself safe again, but only for the moment.

"We've got company!"

In a furious flight, Vamp came after Tion , knocking birds out of the sky as he did. The bald eagle took a dive towards the ground. Gabriel and Gideon were hanging on for dear life. Vamp overcame Tion and lunged unto his back, sending both into a downward spiral.

Gideon and Gabriel bounced in between the two flyers trying to stay abroad. Gideon took at swipe a Vamp’s belly and made the cut sure, but the bat’s grip on the eagle was relentless. In an act of desperation a pure skill, Tion preformed a barrel roll, breaking Vamp’s grip temporarily. The rabbit’s were tossed outward into the open air with little time between them and the ground. Tion taking his left foot. Took hold of Vamp’s throat, sunk his talon’s deep inside, flung the bat towards the earth, and managed to catch both rabbits in mid air. Before meeting with the others, the three took a brief rest at the mouth of the lair.

Now with everyone present, all were wondering of how to gain entrance into the dark abyss. The voice of Glory came to Gabriel, and said,

Throw the sword into the chasm.”

Gabriel did so. As the sword fell, it spread over the entire opening, creating a protective layer of light for the five to slide down. Gabriel intimated for the others to come over, and all began to descend as if carefully guided from the dangerous pikes and gagged edges of the chasm wall. Safely below, the sword returned to its original shape into Gabriel’s hand.

“I have to get me one of those,” said Peppi.”

It was dark to the point of blindness in the liar; the voice of Glory spoke to Gabriel again saying,

Strike the sword on the ground, and you will see all.”

Gabriel did so. The darken lair was illuminated and in an instant the next enemy was revealed.

"Spiders!" said Peppi. “And here they come!"

The spiders made a direct onslaught against they five. All took weapons in hand. Gabriel didn’t know what to do, but the voice; that was very soft yet poignant, gave him word.

Tell your friends to draw near to you. When I tell you, take your sword and drive it

into the ground.” Gabriel wasted no time telling the others to come to him. The five were huddled together. The spiders came in range to kill.

" Ready," said the Voice, " Now!"

The hare, with all his strength, drove the sword into the earth. The sword shattered into a million particles of light. The light was like bullets flying into the air, ricocheting off the ground, and the spiders themselves. With every touch the light from the sword turned the spiders living, fleshy bodies into empty, hollow shells. Once every spider was vanquished, the Voice returned.

Extend your hand.”

Gabriel did so.

In a flash all the particles returned to form the sword again, it was as if nothing had happened at all. The myriad of spiders were suspended as if stone, and with a gale of wind they all became nothing but ashes.